I was playing Dany in the the clash bookmark the other day and decided to do the Pentos fork right after Qarth, my war for the IT fired, and Aegon and Co never showed up and some random pentos/volantene character was in charge of the golden company, I rooted through character finder and found Aegon sitting as a courtier in Starfall and Jon Connington in some random court. Aegon never got revealed or married to Dany either, when I used Charinfo Aegon didn't have any of his character flags either that I usualy see on him, and the Golden Company raised troops and got them stuck in Pentos since they had no boats. the Event army granted to Danys still all clustered in a single flank too, the event armys that are still clustered like this would benifet from being divided into three flanks, like how the unsullied and dothraki armys for Danys main path were revamped. Blackfyre rebellion troops and some other startdates could use the event troop love too.