As I said, stemaing ahead to the battleships:
I’ve got a couple of issues with the classifications of the treaty and after battleships.
First let’s look at how they are currently classified
Treaty Battleships classes
North Carolina, South Dakota, Nelson, King George V, Littorio, Sovietsky Soyuz, Richelieu
Fast treaty Battleships classes
Iowa, Vanguard
Post Treaty Battleship classes
Montana, Lion, Bismarck
Super Battleship classes
Yamato, H
The treaty limit was 35000t standard and 14” (the calibre restriction was only followed by the British for the King George V class)
Now let’s see how these ships stack up
Treaty Battleships
North Carolina 37,500t
South Dakota 38,000
Nelson 33,300t
King George V 36,700t
Littorio 40,700t
Sovietsky Soyuz 59,000t
Richelieu 35,000t
North Carolina 28kts
South Dakota 27.5 kts
Nelson 23kts
King George V 28kts
Littorio 30kts
Sovietsky Soyuz 28kts
Richelieu 30kts
North Carolina 12.75”-7.35” belt, 5.5”-5” deck, 16”-7” turrets
South Dakota 13.075”- 1.875” belt, 6”-5.75” deck, 18”-7.25” turrets
Nelson 14”-13” belt, 6.25”-3.75” deck, 16”-7.25” turrets
King George V 15”-4.5”, 6”-5” deck, 13”-6” turrets
Littorio 14” belt, 6.4”-1.8” deck, 14”-8” turrets
Sovietsky Soyuz 16.75” belt, 8.75” deck, 19.5” turrets
Richelieu 13.5”- 9.75” belt, 6.75”-6” deck, 17.5”-6.75” turrets
North Carolina 9x16”
South Dakota 9x16”
Nelson 9x16”
King George V 10x14”
Littorio 9x15”
Sovietsky Soyuz 9x16”
Richelieu 8x15”
A reasonably homogenous group, except for the Sovietsky Soyuz. She would have been much heavier, her armour thicker and her 16” guns were 50cal whereas the other 16” gunned ships in this group had 45cal guns. Perhaps she should be a higher rated type?
Fast Treaty Battleships
Iowa 48,000t
Vanguard 44,500
Iowa 32.5 kts
Vanguard 30kts
Iowa 13.075”- 2.475” belt, 6”-5.75” deck, 19.7”-7.25” turrets
Vanguard 14”-4.5”, 6”-5” deck, 13”-6” turrets
Iowa 9x16”
Vanguard 8x15”
Not quite so homogenous. They are certainly faster than their respective nations treaty battleships. We still haven’t reached the Sovietysk Soyuz’ displacement. Armour for the Vanguard is about the same as the KGV’s, but for the Iowa is marginally better than the US treaty ships. Given that the Iowa’s had the 50cal 16” gun I think giving her the same stats as the US treaty ships is shortchanging her. The problem is that the Vanguard has the same armament as the UK Fast/Super Dreadnaughts! Tricky. Given that the Vanguard was a superior gun platform due to her greater beam than those earlier ships I’d let that past (especially as the turrets were reconditioned and elevation increased before fitting). I’d recommend, due to the higher displacement and slightly better armour, raising the defence of the fast treaty battleship by a point or two. Similarly with the attack (a point or two), but consideration should also be given to making the improved 406mm gun a pre-requisite to the fast treaty battleship tech as that is what the Iowa’s had (same gun as was intended for the Montana’s).
Post Treaty Battleships
Lion 40,550t
Montana 60,500t
Bismarck 42,000
Lion 30kts
Montana 28kts
Bismarck 29kts
Lion 15”-5.5” belt, 6”-5” deck,, 15”-6” turrets
Montana 17.1”-11.2” belt, 7.35”-6”deck, 22.5”-9.15” turrets
Bismarck 12.5”-10.5” belt, 4.75”-3.25”, 14.25”-7” turrets
Lion 9x16”
Montana 12x16”
Bismarck 8x15”
Not homogenous at all. If we put the Sovietsky Soyuz here it pairs reasonably well with the Montana’s (both were to have been armed with 16”/50 guns). The Bismarck especially looks overrated. Her amour is weaker and her weight of shell is comparable to that of the Iowas (once rate of fire is taken into account) which is only 75% that of the Montanas. Better if she were counted as a fast treaty battleship (which is where her displacement puts her anyway). If my suggestion of increased stats for that type is accepted than she will still be superior to the treaty type. It would also make the tech required for her less of a problem (giving Germany post treaty BB tech at the moment is way out of line with Germany’s other techs in 1936). To make room for the increase in fast treaty stats I would increase the post treaty stats similarly. The Lion’s were really a fast treaty type – note they have the highest speed of three listed above. Perhaps switch the Lion and Vanguard types, given the order in which they were designed? I know that probably overrates the Vanguard, but the other option is simply to drop one and leave post treaty blank for the UK.
Super Battleships
H class 55,453t
Yamato 63,000t
H class 30kts
Yamato 27kts
H class 11.75”-7” belt, 4.75”-4” deck, 15.25”-5” turrets
Yamato 16.1” belt, 9.1”-7.9” deck, 25.6”-7.6”
H class 8x16”
Yamato 9x18.1”
Not really comparable. As the Bismarck drops back to Fast treaty battleship, I’d drop the H class back to post treaty. It will fit much better with the Montanas. I’d use the H44 for the German super battleships.
1. Move Sovietsky Soyuz from treaty battleship to post treaty battleship
2. Move Bismarck to fast treaty battleship and give the Germans fast treaty battleship rather than post treaty battleship in beginning techs for 36
3. Move H class to post-treaty battleship
4. Add H44 class as the German super battleship
5. Switch the Vanguard to UK post treaty battleships
6. Switch the Lion to UK fast treaty battleships
7. Add 1 or two points to sea defence and sea attack for the fast treaty battleship
8. Add 1 or two points to sea defence and sea attack for the post treaty battleship
9. Perhaps make improved 406mm naval gun a pre-requisite for fast treaty battleship