MattyG said:
First, Cordoba is in the LATIN tech group. This is huge. And it gets good explorers and gets them as early as its Christian competitors (well, except Eire of course). And the Caliphate can get the ORTHODOX tech group if it takes the correct path.
It isn't too late for anything that is rationally argued and well-designed. We plan to re-build Eastern Europe somewhat and perhaps there is a place for that.
Sorry, but with the other comments it seems you are not familiar enough with the mod. 1. Cordoba is a heavy coloniser. 2. Creek does not exist in Interregnum. 3. Maya is predisposed to becoming Islamic ahead of any other religion, as long as Cordoba makes an appearance in the Caribbean.
Granada was latin groop too. It would be strange that they are not latin. Historicaly muslim spain was destroyed becouse they had continues internal disputes and defragmention but christians united and had some very good Maqavelli princes...
But in science etc muslim mixed spain was muchmore developed...
Caliphate in Interregnum plays warstate as OE in original. With low tech level they could not stand.
In 10C when russian tribes were pagan their rulers thought to chose state religion and by monasters chronichs is said that they didnt choose islam becouse of forbidence of wine... :rofl:
But what if ruler would hate alkohol?
So I think it would be intersting to play them as muslims. There is huge event posibilities between crusheder TO and muslim russians, ukraine... It could change role of GH...
Creek does not exist in Interregnum.
This why I was talking about them becouce Maya, Ditchali etc have lot of events and better to left them only with few changes. Bet there could be new country - Creek or Antiles as colonial power... Cos as there to the late game is so few states in Europe, colonization is left undone...
Creek becouse there is agreement document between them and USA where their tribals leaders have muslim names. There is even speculation that Tallahassi have arabic meaning...
Ofcource it could be that those tribe chiefs are desenders from escaped muslim slaves but there is many incidents about muslims in precolombus america. There were expeditons from Mali muslim kingdom, from Abbasid caliphate etc. Also after destroying of granada many muslims fled from inqusition to americas...
So I think there could be indian state which would be muslim colonial power. Maybe Creek+florida+small antiles or some confederation there like POL-LIT...
Then there would be some another options how american pagans turn to sunni...
Champa kingdom is very intersting. I was quite powerful state but fall in decline and just before end and destruction they turned to be muslims. Maybe in Interregnum turn this conversion as renaissance? Muslims against budists... I havent played in Indochina...
Also it would be interesting how muslim kingdom betveen ortodox chagatai, budist tibet and konfucian china (s states) try to survive. In Agceep it is not very interesting to play Chagatai cos they do not have events.