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By the way, the Caliphate will no longer begin with 'Arabic' and 'kurdish' cultures - but rather, will begin with Arabic and Persian.Some might not agree with me, but the persian element in the Caliphate had grown rampant before the Mongol invasions, and it represents not only the Administrative class within the empire, but also the waves of refugees fleeing ill-khan persia.

The 'Danishment Kurds' event gives the kurdish provinces a small manpower/tax boast to represent the Kurds accepting Abbasid authority.
Sounds ok to me, the Caliphate never seems to make much headway into Persia anyway (didn't in 3 games in a row, though one of those was me as Byzantium)
Only sad that muslims is lot of robbed in this mod.
If do not count Cordoba which turn to mutalizete (which is shown as shiite), then there is buddist ilkhans, ortodox chagatai and that east caspian state...

ofcourse it is too late to talk about it but russians could be turned to islam in 10C so game could turn this way...
Also there is many evidences about muslims in precolombus Americas. Especialy in caribes, bahamas and indian tribes...
So if it is not too late it would be fun to have muslim country in antiles or as muslim creek state...

In SEAsia could be muslim Champa kingdom which were destroyed...

Or in western China between china and chagatai could be muslim kingdom...

Also to make tlemcen to conquer Sicily and become almujahid state and then becoming naval-colonial power would be very interesting becouse muslims in this mod do not have colonial powers. (Morroco is doing something in WAfrica. Cordoba just litle - just have unfinished colonies in soutafrica.) Egypt to not doing too much...

Also here is thread about what i`m proposing to EU3...
Al mujahhid state could turn to mediterian island power. I could have event:
we will become defender of muslims from christians sea invasion.
Add core - all mediterian island
land -7
galleys 55
infantry 12 000 (time to expand)

So they will take all mediterian island and will become major mediterian naval power and defend Nafrican muslims from invasions.
So they get CB against european countries which attack Nafrica.

The also would be colonial power...
And event that entusiast build great fortresses in island which ar conected with mainland with staights to better defend them. As Messina, Palermo and Ionia when conqured.
Also as controling mediterian it controls trade to so COT from Genova moves to sicily...
So Almujjahids get cores on
1 Sicily,
2 Messina,
2 Balerares,
3 Sardinia
4 Corsica
5 Malta
6 Crete
7 Cyprus
8 Ionia
9 Rodes
10 Corfu...

Also in event it get naval manu...
And in some another island too...
naval and trade tech boost too...
and shipyard!

11 Canary too? Or may be not...
As I understand there will not be going to new map? (I agree that there is no need. New map is good for historical game... Also Interregnum have problem that world is not fully colonised by end of game...
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Those Nafrican minors could become Al mujahid vassals (unanexable) in event.
Also There could be event that almujjahid recieves money (like recieves - without actual paying from them) from fatimids, morroco as naval protection. Becouse it would make problems to them to be vassals...
There could be events by conquering island that it culture and religion changes becouse of migration from NAfrican unstable and depressive situation...
like corsica
culture = arabic
religion = sunni
population + 5000
provincetax +1
I think that at first Al mujjahids recieve event "Barier of Mediterian"
About that they see themselves as muslim island country which will protect muslim mainland from christian mainland.
When they manage to capture all 10 island and become trading nation too ("We are good wariors and good traders" :D ), then they will recieve event: "What to do next?"
On christian mainland better do not put your feet becouse it will mean fruitless wars becouse they are naval power. And they are protectors of muslim mainland... So what to do? Maybe turn to overseas and spread islam by our people exemple?

get explorer
naval and trade boost
get naval manu
get refinery
naval -1
mercantilism -1
colonists +6

Also there could be in american indian files that by contacts from al mujjahids they turn to sunni. For now there is only cordoba triger...
Ahmed AA said:
Only sad that muslims is lot of robbed in this mod.
If do not count Cordoba which turn to mutalizete (which is shown as shiite), then there is buddist ilkhans, ortodox chagatai and that east caspian state...

Sorry, but I think this is a simplification. You have only here covered the terrain that the Islamic world has gained (in the west) and lost (in the east) compared to Vanilla. There are other issues to be considered. First, Cordoba is in the LATIN tech group. This is huge. And it gets good explorers and gets them as early as its Christian competitors (well, except Eire of course). And the Caliphate can get the ORTHODOX tech group if it takes the correct path.

Secondly, unlike the Islamic world in Vanilla, the various states are not designed to be weak or collapse as in vanilla. There are variations, but generally speaking they get a share of quality leaders, monarchs and events on par with Christian Europe. This helps them to be very competitive.

ofcourse it is too late to talk about it but russians could be turned to islam in 10C so game could turn this way...
Also there is many evidences about muslims in precolombus Americas. Especialy in caribes, bahamas and indian tribes...
So if it is not too late it would be fun to have muslim country in antiles or as muslim creek state...

It isn't too late for anything that is rationally argued and well-designed. We plan to re-build Eastern Europe somewhat and perhaps there is a place for that.

Sorry, but with the other comments it seems you are not familiar enough with the mod. 1. Cordoba is a heavy coloniser. 2. Creek does not exist in Interregnum. 3. Maya is predisposed to becoming Islamic ahead of any other religion, as long as Cordoba makes an appearance in the Caribbean.

In SEAsia could be muslim Champa kingdom which were destroyed...

Sure, why not.

Or in western China between china and chagatai could be muslim kingdom...

Maybe, my knowledge of that area is extremely limited.

Also to make tlemcen to conquer Sicily and become almujahid state and then becoming naval-colonial power would be very interesting becouse muslims in this mod do not have colonial powers. (Morroco is doing something in WAfrica. Cordoba just litle - just have unfinished colonies in soutafrica.) Egypt to not doing too much...

Not sure how many games you have played of Interregnum. Cordoba can do much better than that. But I can always beef up their AI to ensure better colonization. Remember that Cordoba have one of the best and earliest lists of explorers and conquistadors.
Ahmed AA said:
So Almujjahids get cores on
1 Sicily,
2 Messina,
2 Balerares,
3 Sardinia
4 Corsica
5 Malta
6 Crete
7 Cyprus
8 Ionia
9 Rodes
10 Corfu...

Ehm, you do realise that not a single Mediterranean power gets that many cores? So essentially, you are argueing that this nation shouldbe THE most powerfull nation in the whole mediterranean.

Which doesn't seem to fit a situation where Iberia and the eastern mediterranean each have a power, and the Italians even have two seperate competitors for the central mediterranean.
Ahmed AA said:
So Almujjahids get cores on
1 Sicily,
2 Messina,
2 Balerares,
3 Sardinia
4 Corsica
5 Malta
6 Crete
7 Cyprus
8 Ionia
9 Rodes
10 Corfu...

Also in event it get naval manu...
And in some another island too...
naval and trade tech boost too...
and shipyard!

11 Canary too? Or may be not...
As I understand there will not be going to new map? (I agree that there is no need. New map is good for historical game... Also Interregnum have problem that world is not fully colonised by end of game...

Yep, have to agree with Avernite here. In Interregnum we don't throw cores around. Cores represent the provinces that OTHER nations accept you have a legitimate claim on, essentially. Of course, the Almujaddids can still conquer the lot if they want to.

I hope we are appearing to flame you here. I really am encouraged by your suggestions and ideas. Don't be offended or discouraged.
Assalam Alekum Ahmed

I thank you for your suggestions, but you have to realize that Im trying to add and change stuff in the mod slowly and moderatly (things that make sense) - I also tend to jump from project to project, a bit of North Africa, a bit of religious reformation in Cordoba, and now the Caliphate once again with Persia and the rest of central Asia (I realized that I might give the Caliphate a chance to gain latin but only after a tough fight - heck we were more advanced that you sons of Charlamange ;) )

Regarding the Almujadids - well, I have left that part of the world for now, as the Caliphate and persia need desperate attention and I am still very arbitary in my work - anyway, I dont like how Tlemscen collapses (survives too well sometimes) and its usually difficult for a player to conquer Sicily, so I will look into that.I will also look into your suggestions habib.

However, I wont be here from Monday to Friday as I will be in Dubai for a school trip.I will take the laptop with me to work :)
MattyG said:
Not sure how many games you have played of Interregnum. Cordoba can do much better than that. But I can always beef up their AI to ensure better colonization. Remember that Cordoba have one of the best and earliest lists of explorers and conquistadors.

I have played some 15 games (about half of them long - in same short cases I play till my games crashes and do not reloads... :mad: ) (3 cordobas) but exept for morroco which do colonization in west africa there had not been wide range colonization. Cordoba is doing something IF it not choose to fight iberia (relcon_chicken :rofl: ) and even then (as I understand) there was a bug and problem with explorers...
As I have seen Cordoba takes Southafrica and haoticaly few another provinces...
Egypt - which must do a lot in EAfrica do not do there much. Mallaca is doing something in indonesia...
MattyG said:
First, Cordoba is in the LATIN tech group. This is huge. And it gets good explorers and gets them as early as its Christian competitors (well, except Eire of course). And the Caliphate can get the ORTHODOX tech group if it takes the correct path.
It isn't too late for anything that is rationally argued and well-designed. We plan to re-build Eastern Europe somewhat and perhaps there is a place for that.
Sorry, but with the other comments it seems you are not familiar enough with the mod. 1. Cordoba is a heavy coloniser. 2. Creek does not exist in Interregnum. 3. Maya is predisposed to becoming Islamic ahead of any other religion, as long as Cordoba makes an appearance in the Caribbean.

Granada was latin groop too. It would be strange that they are not latin. Historicaly muslim spain was destroyed becouse they had continues internal disputes and defragmention but christians united and had some very good Maqavelli princes... :mad:
But in science etc muslim mixed spain was muchmore developed...
Caliphate in Interregnum plays warstate as OE in original. With low tech level they could not stand.
In 10C when russian tribes were pagan their rulers thought to chose state religion and by monasters chronichs is said that they didnt choose islam becouse of forbidence of wine... :rofl:
But what if ruler would hate alkohol? ;) So I think it would be intersting to play them as muslims. There is huge event posibilities between crusheder TO and muslim russians, ukraine... It could change role of GH...

Creek does not exist in Interregnum.
This why I was talking about them becouce Maya, Ditchali etc have lot of events and better to left them only with few changes. Bet there could be new country - Creek or Antiles as colonial power... Cos as there to the late game is so few states in Europe, colonization is left undone...
Creek becouse there is agreement document between them and USA where their tribals leaders have muslim names. There is even speculation that Tallahassi have arabic meaning...
Ofcource it could be that those tribe chiefs are desenders from escaped muslim slaves but there is many incidents about muslims in precolombus america. There were expeditons from Mali muslim kingdom, from Abbasid caliphate etc. Also after destroying of granada many muslims fled from inqusition to americas...
So I think there could be indian state which would be muslim colonial power. Maybe Creek+florida+small antiles or some confederation there like POL-LIT...
Then there would be some another options how american pagans turn to sunni...
Champa kingdom is very intersting. I was quite powerful state but fall in decline and just before end and destruction they turned to be muslims. Maybe in Interregnum turn this conversion as renaissance? Muslims against budists... I havent played in Indochina...
Also it would be interesting how muslim kingdom betveen ortodox chagatai, budist tibet and konfucian china (s states) try to survive. In Agceep it is not very interesting to play Chagatai cos they do not have events.
Calipah said:
Assalam Alekum Ahmed
Regarding the Almujadids - well, I have left that part of the world for now, as the Caliphate and persia need desperate attention and I am still very arbitary in my work - anyway, I dont like how Tlemscen collapses (survives too well sometimes) and its usually difficult for a player to conquer Sicily, so I will look into that.I will also look into your suggestions habib.
Wa Aleikum Sallām!
Muslims if not count Indonesia where is Atjeh and Mallaca have not naval power, naval colonial powers.
In vanilla (agceep) I always wanted that we would have something like Order St.John. Island from which led to colonization. In Interregnum this is Eire. (Which and Scotland, Kalmar, Portugal, GB, Maya and anothers I edited and played as muslims... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: )
Cordoba can not forget about defence. In EU2 if you have aristockraty -10 and land -10 as for colonial-naval power, it makes you unable to figh land batles. It makes (with other sliders) to cost cavalery ~35$ and as naval it is weak.
Tlemcen can not take sicily cos sicily had armies 70t and more. It is too much especialy with their great monarch...
Also mutalizite islam make a lot of mess in North Africa I still think that there is room for Great Muslim Barier of Mediterian... Atleast for Human player. If it is there not - then Tlemcen is dead end with their Almujjahids and Algires.
After destroying of sicily Italy would be devided between Papal States and Genova. Ofcourse PS need some enchanment, some boosts...
Genova by loosing mediterian island could get great push for looking of americas or other. Papal states could preach for incas and get constant colonist boosts (something as building "kingdom of heaven")...
There need to be more colonization cos it is never finished. There must be fight about colonies... Atleast colonized those wothless australi, new zealand etc...
But if Al mujjahids is by events be -10 land and aristocrasy then they can do only naval batles and colonization. And their provinces are quite poor.
1. Sicily, goods +
2 Messina, wine?
2 Balerares, fish -
3 Sardinia fish -
4 Corsica wood -
5 Malta fish
6 Crete wine
7 Cyprus sugar +
8 Ionia wine
9 Rodes fish -
10 Corfu... fish -
Also Indochina buddists or some of china states could get catholic by preach of PS. They coul become some religios vasal states of PS... :wacko:
What in Interregnum will be in Syberia. If I remember right than in went uncononized. Maybe put there freaky mongolia or let Casia and china colonise it?
Calipah said:
Hajja bin Yusuf at-Thaqafi to the people of Kufa "O People of Iraq, O People of division, hypocrisy, and apostasy, the Commander of the faithful ('Abd al-Malik) has appointed me as a governor over you. He has given me a whip and a sword. The whip has dropped and the sword has remained."

Then he said: "By Allah, I can see ambitious eyes, long necks, and ripen heads. So, it is time to harvest them. In deed, it is I who will cut them off. It is as if I look at flowing blood between the turbans and the beards." :)

And pebles fall down on the floor of mosque...

O People of division, hypocrisy, and apostasy
Great words for man who fired at Kaaba... :wacko:

BTW in EU3 forum I am advocating for "islamic state" option for muslim countries.
So now we have 2+2 options: land/naval and war/colonial.
I think it woul be great to play islamic state fantasy option for muslim countries. Atleast for some marginal in nowhere in africa or indonesia...
Ahmed AA said:
And pebles fall down on the floor of mosque...

O People of division, hypocrisy, and apostasy
Great words for man who fired at Kaaba... :wacko:

BTW in EU3 forum I am advocating for "islamic state" option for muslim countries.
So now we have 2+2 options: land/naval and war/colonial.
I think it woul be great to play islamic state fantasy option for muslim countries. Atleast for some marginal in nowhere in africa or indonesia...

Yes, he was somewhat a hypocrite and a bastard, but an enjoyable one, and remember , he almost 'hit' the Kabah, but never did :D

Habib, could u keep everything u say in one post?Its extremly tiering :D Regarding your ideas, were trying to keep things 'plausible' for example - if it were up to me Id have had a Muslim Byzantium, why?Because I would like to believe Constantinople fell in the first Muslim siege, but that isnt plausible or acceptable.Id have Cordoba taking over France, but thats simply not fair or possible :D

Regarding a Muslim power in the New world - the Maya usually become Mutazelite (usually around 70% in my games).However, there was always an idea lingering in my head that had sprung from an older idea suggested from another poster whereby Cordoba expels some Muslim Sunnis and political activists to Eire.However, since Iberians are in Ireland I dont think that's possible, perhaps they can sail west and 'help' the Mayan/Aztec people?Of course, these are all musings, the Caliphate and North Africa deserve special attention, and I will get to scripting new events for the Al-Mujadids (not al-Mujjahids ;) the Renewers) once I finish what Im doing now. :)