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Could you solve the issue with the cascading declarations of war? To sum up: The issue about allies calling in their allies to war and those ones calling in their other own allies as well, and so on so forth, having as a result a World War against you, hehe.

I see that everybody in this forum knows this issue, but I hope we can put some "pressure" to have this finally solved. Please, sign if you agree ;)

Signed in this thread (as of 15th of October):
Lord Rellik
Ordo Impavidus (and his imaginary friend too, hehe)
Zechariah Zevi
Inner Circle
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Playing my first game as Rome, generally peacefully (not attacking anyone other than Barbarians and uncivilised tribes, and behaving well - so no infamy) and having a ball, until Epirus (which had no Casus Belli at the time) declared war and brought in Macedonia, Armenia, Pontus and the Seluecid's! While it is possible to "buy off" alliance members individually, these kind of 'grand alliance' wars of aggression against non-aggressive nations are unheard of in actual history, and really takes away from the historical vibe of the game. Maybe make the chance of the alliance 'call-up' being heeded depend on the infamy of the opposing party, the relationship between the allied countries and whether it's a war of aggression or defence (as nations were more likely to ally for mutual defence, than mutual attack, although mutual attack deffo happened), as well as whether the opposing party is seen as a thread to the country being asked to call up? At the moment my ancient era game suddenly feels like it's turned into Hearts of Iron with swords and Triremes!

Other than this, at least at this stage, it's a really excellent game - feels very historical and is a tonne of fun to play, but this element really brings it down.
By the way, it seems there will be another patch for Rome coming soon (links here and here).

I hope the cascading issue gets solved with that patch :happy:

Yeah, I went to the Paradox general debate forum and reopened a 2 month old chain of mine asking for a status update. I linked to your petition and some moderator popped by and actually answered some questions now that he could see there were actually quite a few people interested in Rome. The next thing you know, Johan announced he'd have some time for it in october! Sometimes it's wondrous how well a bit of friendly agitation works :)
I think your petition did the trick, with a bit of urging at the exact right time (after the EU 3 patch was finished and Sengoku was published) and people voicing support.
Now I hope we get everything the hard working mod makers have asked for - in addition to the mandatory fix for the cascading alliances.
Just happened again - it's definitely a game-breaker at this stage, only way to play it in its current form is to create webs of alliances, a la early 20th century Europe - which is possible with the mechanics available, but doesn't feel much like antiquity. Great news to hear that they'll be looking into it, with this fixed I reckon there's a lot of fun to be had with it.
Yeah, I went to the Paradox general debate forum and reopened a 2 month old chain of mine asking for a status update. I linked to your petition and some moderator popped by and actually answered some questions now that he could see there were actually quite a few people interested in Rome. The next thing you know, Johan announced he'd have some time for it in october! Sometimes it's wondrous how well a bit of friendly agitation works :)
I think your petition did the trick, with a bit of urging at the exact right time (after the EU 3 patch was finished and Sengoku was published) and people voicing support.
Now I hope we get everything the hard working mod makers have asked for - in addition to the mandatory fix for the cascading alliances.

:happy: I saw the thread you mention. Good work, Dannevirke hehe!

Thanks to the effort of everybody on Rome forum, we have made it possible to be heard... EU Rome is not a dead project anymore! ;)
Bit late due - it's been fixed in the new beta 2.35 .