I don't know about you but i really liked the civil war system in EU: Rome, just not that easy. macedonia had civil wars all the time... really annoying, just with mechanics things like more Eu3 (Eu4) then I don't talk about who wants to revolt against you but if you have a high revolt risk, just civil wars is really hard to get if you have good stability and so on. Pretty much like pretender rebels but they act like an independent nation like Eu: Rome, Ofc with limits like they can't declare war on another country before the civil war is over, and another country can't take advantage of the civil war to only declare war on the rebels, insted they can ONLY chose to help the rebels size victory or help the nation do defeat the rebels. and you don't get any provinces you conquer. but if you declare war on one of them you declare war on both of them or something like that I think. what do you think about this idea? and I don't think things going to be accurate as I say but yeah, I think you got the message, also the only one's that can declare a civil war are your brothers or heir(sons)?