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Field Marshal
83 Badges
Aug 31, 2012
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One line summary of your issue
[3.1.1] [WQTI] Adventurer trait prevents forging bloodline via winning foreign wars

Game Version
[3.1.1] [WQTI]

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As per the thread title, if a character has the "adventurer" trait then his foreign war wins are not counted towards the "forge bloodline" ambition.

In the attached save, the player character has already won a *lot* of wars. (Eg: Note that there are 4 active truces.) However, the "forge bloodline" tooltip claims that he has won 0/15 foreign wars. He currently has 2 wars at 100% warscore - if you peace out without unpausing, the tally stays at 0/15.


I believe this is a side-effect of the code that prevents rebels and adventurers from increasing the forge bloodline tally:

#on_war_ended_victory: check for war variable.
# From = Attacker, Root = Defender
character_event = {
    id = HF.24018
    hide_window = yes
    trigger = {
        has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
        FROM = {
            NOR = {
                trait = heresiarch
                trait = peasant_leader
                trait = adventurer
                has_character_flag = flag_about_to_war_bloodline
        ROOT = {
            NOR = {
                trait = heresiarch
                trait = peasant_leader
                trait = adventurer
    is_triggered_only = yes

    immediate = {
        FROM = {
            hidden_tooltip = { change_variable = { which = bloodline_won_wars value = 1 } }


#on_war_ended_defeat: check for war variable.
# From = Attacker, Root = Defender
character_event = {
    id = HF.24019
    hide_window = yes
    trigger = {
        has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
        FROM = {
            NOR = {
                trait = heresiarch
                trait = peasant_leader
                trait = adventurer
        ROOT = {
            NOR = {
                trait = heresiarch
                trait = peasant_leader
                trait = adventurer
                has_character_flag = flag_about_to_war_bloodline

    immediate = {
        ROOT = {
            hidden_tooltip = { change_variable = { which = bloodline_won_wars value = 1 } }


Basically, wars can only increase the foreign war tally if both the attacker and defender aren't heresiarchs, peasant leaders or adventurers. This is not particularly problematic for heresiarchs and peasant leaders, as they are unlikely to be able to take the ambition. However, it is relatively easy for players to become adventurers - and also fairly desirable to do so if at all possible - so it would be good to fix this issue.

One possible fix would be to replace "trait = adventurer" with a more-complex test that blocks landless/titular-only adventurers while letting the event trigger for landed adventurers.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.

Note that the forge bloodline ambition claims that 0/15 foreign wars have been won.

Win the 2 current wars (they are at 100%).

Note that the foreign war tally is still 0/15.

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