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One line summary of your issue
[3.2.1] autogenerated members of new patrician families have noculture as ethnicity

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Characters that are generated by the game after a title becomes a merchant republic, as members of the patrician's families have a chance of appearing with an ethnicity of noculture, which results in not using the proper portrait for the culture they have, but instead fall back to westerngfx (red circles on screenshot. The culture that is shown in the interface is the correct one. Somehow the ethnicity get's mixed up. However some family members have the correct ethnicity (green cirles). If one uses the charinfo command the ethnicity is given as "noculture" (red rectangle). The issue is fixed for these particular characters when one saves the game and reloads it.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Start Game.
2. play as any character.
3. Use Console Commands to create a merchant republic (or create one as tribal lord).
4. Let the game run until patrician houses are created.
5. Check the Patricians families. Some will have the issue.

I havn't checked every possibility, but in general every time a new patrician house is created the game occurs, So just force the game to create a new patrician house.

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I had this happen recently too. It's a counterpart to this other bug I found a while ago: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...world-random-assyrians.1130451/#post-25321800 My initial report there only covers the alternate start character generation, but I later noticed it with generated patrician families even in historical starts.

Whether generated family members are incorrectly assigned noculture or assyrian seems to be dependent on culture group. I just went and used the console to create a bunch of MRs of different cultures. A list of cultures I've tested that result in assyrian ethnicity: Daju, Nubian, Kanuri, Ethiopian, Oriya, Tamil (so African and Dravidian culture groups). A list of cultures I've tested that result in noculture ethnicity: Bedouin, Levantine, Turkish, Marathi, Bulgarian, French, Norwegian.

Also, while the noculture ethnicity is fixed on reload, the assyrian ethnicity remains. I can't find the family generation anywhere in the script, so this must be a hard-coded bug.