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[3.2.1] [AZCE] Fourth Crusade - Crete & Cyprus **always** given to Crusaders
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[3.2.1] [AZCE]
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As noted in these posts, there appears to be a bug in the Fourth Crusade coding: Cyprus and Crete are always given to the Crusaders, even they aren't owned by the Byzantine Empire.
The issue appears to be caused by the fact that the two relevant blocks of code in ...\common\cb_types\00_cb_types.txt don't check that Crete/Cyprus are owned by Byzantium before forcibly giving them to Crusaders. (Unlike, for example, the code that creates the Kingdom of Trebizond.)
Here's the relevant code for Cyprus:
...and for Crete:
...and, for comparison, the code for Trebizond, which is coded so that it only fires if Trebizond is owned by Byzantium:
Note that the code for Trebizond will only fire if one of the relevant duchies is owned by a vassal of e_byzantium, whereas there is no similar check for Crete/Cyprus.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Unfortunately, I can't easily reproduce this issue: there is no easy way to trigger the Fourth Crusade using the console; the Fourth Crusade is not "in progress" at any date in the history files; and I don't have a relevant save.
However, I think it's pretty clear from the code above that this bug can happen - and we have the anecdotal description in this post.
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[3.2.1] [AZCE] Fourth Crusade - Crete & Cyprus **always** given to Crusaders
Game Version
[3.2.1] [AZCE]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As noted in these posts, there appears to be a bug in the Fourth Crusade coding: Cyprus and Crete are always given to the Crusaders, even they aren't owned by the Byzantine Empire.
The issue appears to be caused by the fact that the two relevant blocks of code in ...\common\cb_types\00_cb_types.txt don't check that Crete/Cyprus are owned by Byzantium before forcibly giving them to Crusaders. (Unlike, for example, the code that creates the Kingdom of Trebizond.)
Here's the relevant code for Cyprus:
# Find a Catholic/Fraticelli lord for Cyprus
if = {
limit = {
c_famagusta = {
owner = {
religion = FROM
culture = FROM
ai = yes
c_limisol = {
owner = {
religion = FROM
culture = FROM
ai = yes
k_cyprus = {
has_holder = no
any_crusade_participant = {
limit = {
ai = yes
NOT = {
most_participating_crusader = {
character = PREV
crusade_beneficiary = {
grant_title_no_opinion = c_famagusta
grant_title_no_opinion = c_limisol
grant_title_no_opinion = d_cyprus
grant_title_no_opinion = k_cyprus
d_cyprus = {
de_jure_liege = k_cyprus
set_defacto_liege = THIS
character_event = { id = HFP.41090 days = 1 }
if = {
limit = {
NOR = {
trait = crusader
trait = crusader_king
trait = crusader_queen
add_trait = crusader
character_event = { id = HFP.41007 }
...and for Crete:
# Crete is taken by a Merchant Lord
if = {
limit = {
c_kaneia = {
owner = {
ai = yes
c_chandax = {
owner = {
ai = yes
any_crusade_participant = {
is_patrician = yes
higher_tier_than = COUNT
random_crusade_participant = {
limit = {
is_patrician = yes
higher_tier_than = COUNT
preferred_limit = {
has_landed_title = k_venice
preferred_limit = {
has_landed_title = d_venice
preferred_limit = {
tier = EMPEROR
preferred_limit = {
tier = KING
grant_title_no_opinion = d_krete
grant_title_no_opinion = c_kaneia
grant_title_no_opinion = c_chandax
...and, for comparison, the code for Trebizond, which is coded so that it only fires if Trebizond is owned by Byzantium:
# Find a King for Trebizond
e_byzantium = {
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
any_playable_ruler = {
has_landed_title = k_trebizond
random_vassal = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_landed_title = d_trebizond
has_landed_title = d_armeniacon
preferred_limit = {
has_landed_title = d_trebizond
grant_title_no_opinion = k_trebizond
# Set vassals for Trebizond
k_trebizond = {
owner = {
e_byzantium = {
owner = {
any_vassal = {
limit = {
de_jure_liege = k_trebizond
set_defacto_liege = PREVPREVPREV
Note that the code for Trebizond will only fire if one of the relevant duchies is owned by a vassal of e_byzantium, whereas there is no similar check for Crete/Cyprus.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Unfortunately, I can't easily reproduce this issue: there is no easy way to trigger the Fourth Crusade using the console; the Fourth Crusade is not "in progress" at any date in the history files; and I don't have a relevant save.
However, I think it's pretty clear from the code above that this bug can happen - and we have the anecdotal description in this post.
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