One line summary of your issue
3.2.1 (AZCE) Heir Is Not Inerheriting Properly
Game Version
3.2.1 (AZCE)
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
In an ironman game where I was able to create Rome and reform the Hellenic Faith my eldest Daughter is only inheriting the Empire along with my counties, but not my Kingdom (Greece) or the Collegium Potificum.
I've made sure that all titles I can set crown laws in have Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture, in addition to the ability to designate an heir through the reformation.
Designation aside, she is my eldest Daughter, and with these succession laws I don't see any reason why she wouldn't be first in line for all of my titles. I can see that I can grant both of these titles to her, so there is a "workaround", however this does not seem to be functioning as intended.
Screencaps for context:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Reform Hellenism
2. Create a Feudal Empire
3. Usurp Byzantium (this seems to make Byzantium default to Feudal Government instead of Imperial)
4. Recreate Rome
5. Set all inheritance laws to Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture
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3.2.1 (AZCE) Heir Is Not Inerheriting Properly
Game Version
3.2.1 (AZCE)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
In an ironman game where I was able to create Rome and reform the Hellenic Faith my eldest Daughter is only inheriting the Empire along with my counties, but not my Kingdom (Greece) or the Collegium Potificum.
I've made sure that all titles I can set crown laws in have Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture, in addition to the ability to designate an heir through the reformation.
Designation aside, she is my eldest Daughter, and with these succession laws I don't see any reason why she wouldn't be first in line for all of my titles. I can see that I can grant both of these titles to her, so there is a "workaround", however this does not seem to be functioning as intended.
Screencaps for context:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Reform Hellenism
2. Create a Feudal Empire
3. Usurp Byzantium (this seems to make Byzantium default to Feudal Government instead of Imperial)
4. Recreate Rome
5. Set all inheritance laws to Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture
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