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[3.2.1 - AZCE] Hellenic Openly Adopt Faith only converts demesne provinces
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3.2.1 - AZCE
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The decision to 'Openly Adopt Faith' is only converting counties with the 'Religious Community' modifier if they are also in my demesne. Non-demesne counties with that modifier are not converted.
In my game, I am the leader of the Hellenic pagan society and also the Byzantine Emperor. I have secretly established Hellenic communities in about 20 of the empire's provinces but when converting only the demesne provinces with that modifier are converted. Non-demesne counties (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos) are not converted. From what I can tell, character religious conversion is as expected, with secret Hellenes publicly converting, so it's just the non-demesne provinces.
From testing, it seems that this issue is not common to all secret societies. From a new game, I was able to reproduce this issue with Hellenic but not Norse. I did some digging in the event files but couldn't find the difference.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Load the provided save secret_religion_openly_adopt_faith_bug.ck2
2. Observe that the 'Hellenic Community' modifier exists in several non-demesne provinces in the Byzantine Empire (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos)
3. Enact the 'Openly Adopt Faith' decision
4. Note that only demesne provinces are converted (Sicily, Constantinople, Arborea). Non-demesne provinces with that modifier (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos) are not converted.
TO REPRODUCE FROM NEW GAME (using console & save game edits OR provided save secret_religion_openly_adopt_faith_bug2.ck2)
1. Start new game (tested on Early Middle Ages, Charlemagne)
2. Give player character secret religion #secret_religion 6392 hellenic_pagan
3. Found secret society via decision #prestige 500
4. Add religious community to both demesne and non-demesne provinces #easiest via save-game editing, e.g., secret_hellenic_pagan_community to Maine (108; non-demesne) and Vermandois (113; demesne)
5. Openly Adopt Faith decision
6. Only Vermandois converts if using Hellenic; both Maine and Vermandois convert if Norse
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[3.2.1 - AZCE] Hellenic Openly Adopt Faith only converts demesne provinces
Game Version
3.2.1 - AZCE
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The decision to 'Openly Adopt Faith' is only converting counties with the 'Religious Community' modifier if they are also in my demesne. Non-demesne counties with that modifier are not converted.
In my game, I am the leader of the Hellenic pagan society and also the Byzantine Emperor. I have secretly established Hellenic communities in about 20 of the empire's provinces but when converting only the demesne provinces with that modifier are converted. Non-demesne counties (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos) are not converted. From what I can tell, character religious conversion is as expected, with secret Hellenes publicly converting, so it's just the non-demesne provinces.
From testing, it seems that this issue is not common to all secret societies. From a new game, I was able to reproduce this issue with Hellenic but not Norse. I did some digging in the event files but couldn't find the difference.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Load the provided save secret_religion_openly_adopt_faith_bug.ck2
2. Observe that the 'Hellenic Community' modifier exists in several non-demesne provinces in the Byzantine Empire (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos)
3. Enact the 'Openly Adopt Faith' decision
4. Note that only demesne provinces are converted (Sicily, Constantinople, Arborea). Non-demesne provinces with that modifier (e.g., Rhegion, Katatheros, Dyrrachion, Rhodos) are not converted.
TO REPRODUCE FROM NEW GAME (using console & save game edits OR provided save secret_religion_openly_adopt_faith_bug2.ck2)
1. Start new game (tested on Early Middle Ages, Charlemagne)
2. Give player character secret religion #secret_religion 6392 hellenic_pagan
3. Found secret society via decision #prestige 500
4. Add religious community to both demesne and non-demesne provinces #easiest via save-game editing, e.g., secret_hellenic_pagan_community to Maine (108; non-demesne) and Vermandois (113; demesne)
5. Openly Adopt Faith decision
6. Only Vermandois converts if using Hellenic; both Maine and Vermandois convert if Norse
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