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Aug 31, 2012
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One line summary of your issue
[3.2.1] [AZCE] Papal claim request - incorrect weight for Pope's opinion of target

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[3.2.1] [AZCE]

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When you request a claim on a county or duchy from the Pope, the last line in the list of reasons is the Pope's opinion of the current holder.

The weighting given for this opinion appears to be bugged. Specifically, it is a lot more positive than it "should" be (by comparison with the Pope's opinion of the requestor).

This makes it a lot easier than it "should" be to get a claim from the Pope.

I noticed this in my current game, where the Pope's opinion of the target gave a weight of +25 to my request. This led me to wonder why the Pope hated this guy so much - but it turns out that he actually kinda likes the guy.

(If the Pope has a +100 opinion of you then you get +25 weight to the claim request. +25 weight from the Pope's opinion of the target implies that he has a -100 opinion. But, as you'll see below, his opinion is actually quite positive.)

Two examples:

(1) Attempting to claim a county in Crete from the Emperor of Bulgaria.

Pope's opinion of the target gives +25 weight to the claim request, implying that he hates the target (possibly -100):

Pope's opinion of the target is actually +24:

For reference, the Pope's opinion of me is +62, which gives +15 weight to my claim request:

(2) Attempting to claim a county in Crete from a count

Pope's opinion of the target gives +18 weight to the claim request, implying that he strongly dislikes the target:

Pope's opinion of the target is actually 0:

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.

Attempt to claim a county in Crete from the Emperor of Bulgaria.

Note that the Pope's opinion of the target gives a large positive weight to the request, implying that the Pope hates the target.

Check the Pope's opinion of the target and note that it's actually rather positive.

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