One line summary of your issue
[3.2.1] Death/succession screen not firing
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After over a year away from the game, I came back to it last week. Been playing a Northumbria game about a week now as a Celtic ruler. Everything was fine up until yesterday (Sunday) when I noticed the special screen that appears when your ruler dies (giving his age, cause of death, what people thought of him, expectations of the new ruler, titles transferred and so forth) was no longer doing so. When my Earl died I merely got a ringing bell and a couple of regular pop up windows saying a) that his young son had inherited and b) who the next heir was. I tried again today (Monday), using an older save in case it was something I'd done yesterday that had disabled it for some reason, but the same happened again twice.
The first time it happened was when I was in the middle of a revolt war against my liege and I thought *maybe* it might be because the title was in flux or something? But as it has happened twice more when I wasn't even at war, I'm thinking it can't be that. I have a couple of mods running from the Steam Workshop, but they're just minor (Title Manager, Landless Courts and Kings, Choose Your Character +) and have been active all game. If it's been fine with the mods this last week, I don't know why it would suddenly develop a problem with them on Sunday, unless there was an update on Sunday I didn't know about (which is possible, I don't pay a lot of attention to when updates or patches get released).
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Whenever your ruler dies.
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[3.2.1] Death/succession screen not firing
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After over a year away from the game, I came back to it last week. Been playing a Northumbria game about a week now as a Celtic ruler. Everything was fine up until yesterday (Sunday) when I noticed the special screen that appears when your ruler dies (giving his age, cause of death, what people thought of him, expectations of the new ruler, titles transferred and so forth) was no longer doing so. When my Earl died I merely got a ringing bell and a couple of regular pop up windows saying a) that his young son had inherited and b) who the next heir was. I tried again today (Monday), using an older save in case it was something I'd done yesterday that had disabled it for some reason, but the same happened again twice.
The first time it happened was when I was in the middle of a revolt war against my liege and I thought *maybe* it might be because the title was in flux or something? But as it has happened twice more when I wasn't even at war, I'm thinking it can't be that. I have a couple of mods running from the Steam Workshop, but they're just minor (Title Manager, Landless Courts and Kings, Choose Your Character +) and have been active all game. If it's been fine with the mods this last week, I don't know why it would suddenly develop a problem with them on Sunday, unless there was an update on Sunday I didn't know about (which is possible, I don't pay a lot of attention to when updates or patches get released).
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Whenever your ruler dies.
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