One line summary of your issue
3.2.1 Does not get Kingdom after faction war. Ruler changes primary title of Kingdom instead.
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As a Superduke, I attacked a ailing Charlemagne King using the faction system in order to try to get the Kingdom of France title from him for his daughter that my son was married to. Instead of his daughter getting the title and the land to it the King instead changed his primary King title and kept the Kingdom I had waged war for.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Make the Charlemagne King with multiple King titles a mere baron of a castle ((Not the main castle in charge of the province)) and give him more than 1 primary King title.
2. Through the faction system, declare war for one of those titles.
3. Finish the war as a war victory.
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3.2.1 Does not get Kingdom after faction war. Ruler changes primary title of Kingdom instead.
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As a Superduke, I attacked a ailing Charlemagne King using the faction system in order to try to get the Kingdom of France title from him for his daughter that my son was married to. Instead of his daughter getting the title and the land to it the King instead changed his primary King title and kept the Kingdom I had waged war for.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Make the Charlemagne King with multiple King titles a mere baron of a castle ((Not the main castle in charge of the province)) and give him more than 1 primary King title.
2. Through the faction system, declare war for one of those titles.
3. Finish the war as a war victory.
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