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Lt. General
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Mar 5, 2010
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One line summary of your issue
3.2.1 Raiding is completely broken as a Taoist count. Multiple issues.

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Jade Dragon,
Monks & Mystics,
The Reapers Due,
Horse Lords,
Way of Life,
Rajas of India,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam,
Holy Fury, All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
AI Raiding in the current patch is completely broken as Taoist Han characters. I'm playing as the only Taoist character you can play in the 769 start. Right on the border of the Khans with Tibet at my back. And when I am playing as this character, my lands are subjected to endless raids. The "Plundered by savages" debuff doesn't work properly in preventing the AI from plundering your provinces, so often you have multiple AI stacks plundering your provinces sometimes weeks apart from each other.

Now, when my main province is plundered, all of my children and my spouse are automatically put in the jail of the raider leader. This happens 100% of time time when my main province is plundered and easily reproduced by simply playing Zhao Ding for a little while. Every time one of my provinces are plundered, there is a chance for a building to be destroyed or an artifact to be taken. So you deal with all of that stuff, multiple times every year depending on how many raiders are spawned by the various Mongol khans. With the amount of negative events connected to raiding, it's hard to expand with a unlucky game with 3-4 raider stacks raiding your lands every year.

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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yeah, honestly, the entire chinese protectorate is dying in one fashion or another because of its size and location in 769

though i suppose historically, what was "left" of it was falling apart long before 769 rolled around anyways

still, could use an event trigger or such from the head of the protectorate to spend some gold to generate a stack of chinese cultural units, not too big, but enough to ward off the raiders.

or better yet, a cultural building for Han characters, feudal or city, to increase garrisons/fort level, i mean, china had some pretty heavy defenses even in their poorest of kingdoms, simply due to the age of many settlements, and their population. so the ability to fortify these places against simple *raiders* should be relatively easy.
yeah, honestly, the entire chinese protectorate is dying in one fashion or another because of its size and location in 769

though i suppose historically, what was "left" of it was falling apart long before 769 rolled around anyways

still, could use an event trigger or such from the head of the protectorate to spend some gold to generate a stack of chinese cultural units, not too big, but enough to ward off the raiders.

or better yet, a cultural building for Han characters, feudal or city, to increase garrisons/fort level, i mean, china had some pretty heavy defenses even in their poorest of kingdoms, simply due to the age of many settlements, and their population. so the ability to fortify these places against simple *raiders* should be relatively easy.

See that's the thing though. The game has a mechanic to keep yourself from being overwhelmed by raiders like this. It just doesn't work. Just make the 10 year "Plundered by raiders" debuff timer work properly so you can have that relief period between raids to develop your provinces and you can eventually get strong enough to kill them off. Hell, I can do it anyway regardless even with all the trouble this glitch gives me by abusing allies/duel system and stealing land off Tibet. But in the current patch overall with the entire game, the Raider mechanic is in a pretty bad spot. You barely see Vikings anymore on the coast and if you're a minor character bordering a pagan or savage realm, you are subject to endless land raids because of the broken debuff mechanic that'll eventually let the raiders wipe out all the improvements in your castle, steal all of your artifacts, and imprison your entire family for the rest of time.

It's starting to get a little attention because people are starting to ask where the Vikings went. But this is the more pressing issue IMO. If you're a weaker count on the border with pagans and multiple raider stacks spawn, raiding makes the game borderline unplayable because you can't progress. Your levies are constantly getting wiped out by the raiders plundering your fief and then a month or two later that same fief is being seiged down by a different raider stack to get plundered again. And they'll switch out. One raider stack will go home to cash in and the other stack will return and plunder again. So all it takes is two raider stacks at around 1.5k-2.25k men to freeze your game for decades at a time.