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Aardvark Bellay

Lord Wuffington of Grumpytown by the barks
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One line summary of your issue
Two descriptor.mod files in mod zip turn it inactive

Game Version
3.2.2 Beta AZCE

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Steam Workshop mods issue:

Some mods have two descriptor.mod files included in the downloaded zip file.
The mod then doesn't load into the game on the 64-bit Beta patch version and is inactive, while the
32 bit version is unaffected.

Deleting one or both of these *.mod files makes the mod work again.
The mod authors appear to simply have to do a reupload (without a descriptor file of course).

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Current Workshop mod examples i know of:

+ Minimap Makeover - Colour
Bigger Interface - Picture Addon
Patrum Scuta (updated)
Sketchy Cheat Menu (updated)
Stress Relief (updated)

updated: 27th oct '19
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Maybe the modders have copied the descriptor.mod file in their mod directory before upload ?

Doubt it....and why should they ?
It gets created by Steam on upload.
Especially as the Minimap mod has that only in one of three variants and Bigger Interface doesn't have it, but the addon for it.
I rather suspect an issue with updates and thus doubling the file or Steam simply somehow messsing up at some point.
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Maybe the modders have copied the descriptor.mod file in their mod directory before upload ?

Nope. No idea why it has two in the color version of my minimaps.

The structure of the .mod files is different between them but it wasn't a difference I introduced, it was all workshop.
Nope. No idea why it has two in the color version of my minimaps.

The structure of the .mod files is different between them but it wasn't a difference I introduced, it was all workshop.

A theory would be that a downloaded version was unzipped by the author and then used for an update, leaving the old descriptor
file inside and Steam created a new second one on upload.
While comprehensible, would realy so many mod authors do that ?
I'd prefer a reason where i can blame Steam instead.

If anyone can say for sure they wouldn't have done that, then we'd have an argument for staring angrily at Steam again. That would be great. :D
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A theory would be that a downloaded version was unzipped by the author and then used for an update, leaving the old descriptor
file inside and Steam created a new second one on upload.
While comprehensible, would realy so many mod authors do that ?
I'd prefer a reason where i can blame Steam instead.

If anyone can say for sure they wouldn't have done that, then we'd have an argument for staring angrily at Steam again. That would be great. :D

I am one of the authors, and I didn't do that.
I too am having this problem as a modder. I'm shocked more people aren't having this issue.
A reupload with a proper *.mod file appears to fix it by the way.

You MM-colour mod stil requries a reupload. ;)
I don't have the Emboss version subscribed and didn't test that one, only Colour and Sepia.
Okay, I think I isolated the issue. In the .mod file outside of the folder, it's important to use "path=" and do not use "archive="

The "archive=" code is only generated by Steam when it creates the descriptor file inside the folder, so don't confuse the two.
Okay, I think I isolated the issue. In the .mod file outside of the folder, it's important to use "path=" and do not use "archive="

The "archive=" code is only generated by Steam when it creates the descriptor file inside the folder, so don't confuse the two.

I don't understand.
That's the standard procedure for upload.
Otherwise Steam won't create a working *.mod file.
I don't see what that has to do with the second descriptor file getting created.
It also appears mysterious when that happened.Take Korbahs three minimap mods for instance.
All uploaded once and i think even on the same day, still only one got this second descriptor file.
Hmm, well something either I did or CKII or Steam did must have fixed it for me, because suddenly I'm only getting one descriptor file now. I'm curious if anyone else still has the issue.

Btw, I see what you mean about archive= since when I switched back to it for testing, Steam won't let me update my mod.
Hmm, well something either I did or CKII or Steam did must have fixed it for me, because suddenly I'm only getting one descriptor file now..
I don't understand again.
In your own mod or another ?

Two of the mods i listed above still have these two descriptor files on a clean redownload.
BetterInterface-addon and Minimap -colour.
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