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Thank you for your report. Are you playing with a mod by any chance? Or are you playing beyond 700 years of game play time?

You saying that you hit the memory limit before this patch makes me think this might be the case as you should not go out of memory from playing an unmodded game for the "normal" span of ~700 years (769-1453).
Alright, sounds like a good game! I would say the problem in this case is that there haven't been any optimizations for keeping the game running smoothly beyond the point where you would OOM (why would there if no one was able to play beyond that point anyway?). Also if the worst performance was a one time thing it could also be the case that your computer was also doing something else besides running CK2 at the time?

As to why you were hitting the memory cap I'm no expert but I think the main reason that more memory is needed over the span of a game is that the number of characters, dead and alive, increase (and that the main way we protect against running out of memory is pruning characters and limiting what data is stored for dead characters). You playing on a world shattered to counties should push the number of characters way up as there will be a lot more courts and characters at the start. Not sure if something else in your play style is also contributing but I'm not aware of any problem where players in general aren't able to play past the 1100's on a shattered world.