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Second Lieutenant
22 Badges
May 23, 2015
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  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
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  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
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  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Stellaris
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
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  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
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One line summary of your issue
3.2.2 beta fixes issues, but late game performance is utterly unplayable

Game Version
3.2.2 beta

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I previously posted a thread about how the memory limit was causing an error to be thrown on saving my game. The beta fixed that problem! So I fired up my late-game shattered world save with a world-conquering immortal cannibal murderous ruler and went for it!

Well, I still can't finish this game. Performance is unbearable, especially once you've raised levies for a war. I'm talking less than 1fps, waiting seconds for input to register, trying to scroll the map with the mouse and having it get to its destination 5 seconds later as it chugs by, trying to click on one thing, moving the mouse, and having the selection rectangle show up a second or two later...holy crap. It's virtually unplayable! Occasionally it'll run smoothly, but not much longer than a few seconds. Most of the time it's chugging hard. The previous version was sluggish at this point, but not like this. Perhaps there's some missed debug code still in this beta, or even some optimizations that were intended to save on memory to keep under the 3GB limit that are now hurting more than helping?

My computer is solid, too. Mac OS 10.14.6, i7 6700k, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Radeon Vega 64.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Grab save, fire it up, play around a bit. Start a war, raise levies. You'll see it soon enough.

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Played again today and didn't see the sheer scale of it again. In fact, for about a half hour, it ran about as smoothly as I've ever seen in late game. After another half hour it was chugging again, sometimes badly, but not as extremely or as consistently as before. I'm not sure what set that off. The session that caused this bug did start with executing/sacrificing/eating a number of imprisoned rivals, but that's about the only key difference I can think of.

Thank you for your report. Are you playing with a mod by any chance? Or are you playing beyond 700 years of game play time?

You saying that you hit the memory limit before this patch makes me think this might be the case as you should not go out of memory from playing an unmodded game for the "normal" span of ~700 years (769-1453).
No mods, just vanilla + all DLC, though Conclave is disabled because screw the council, the malus from jackwagon vassals who all want the limited number of council seats, and even more revolts/factions as a result. I was hitting the memory limit due to fairly unique circumstances. It was a shattered world (counties) game around 1100-1150, nearly the whole map conquered, an immortal, insane, cannibal ruler around 250 years old with a ton of rivals and children, not to mention an overflowing meat locker...er, prison. In a previous thread the game was throwing an error on save due to hitting the memory limit (it was just shy of 3GB when it would happen) as loading my character and a few rivals would blow it sky high. The 64-bit version fixed the problem and it's now getting close to 4GB after a decent amount of playtime. The horrible performance has not been repeated after multiple sessions in the same game, so I'm not sure what caused it. It runs better than ever now, though it does start struggling a bit after maybe a half hour.
Alright, sounds like a good game! I would say the problem in this case is that there haven't been any optimizations for keeping the game running smoothly beyond the point where you would OOM (why would there if no one was able to play beyond that point anyway?). Also if the worst performance was a one time thing it could also be the case that your computer was also doing something else besides running CK2 at the time?

As to why you were hitting the memory cap I'm no expert but I think the main reason that more memory is needed over the span of a game is that the number of characters, dead and alive, increase (and that the main way we protect against running out of memory is pruning characters and limiting what data is stored for dead characters). You playing on a world shattered to counties should push the number of characters way up as there will be a lot more courts and characters at the start. Not sure if something else in your play style is also contributing but I'm not aware of any problem where players in general aren't able to play past the 1100's on a shattered world.
Yeah, I figured it was shattered world + immortal + cannibal + 769 start + lots of time + world conquest. My character has a ton of children and a ton of rivals. Just clicking his portrait would take several seconds to load and memory usage would jump massively. Somewhat unique circumstances. Aren't edge cases fun? Still, it's fixed now, which makes me happy.

Nothing else was going on during the aforementioned session. I do see it chugging after maybe a half hour of play now, sometimes fairly badly, though not to the aforementioned extent. It's still smoother when I fire it up than it ever was in late-game. Even autosaves, while still annoying, are happening much quicker than they used to. I'm guessing that a lot of optimizations intended to free up memory at the cost of performance have been yanked since the sky is now the limit on memory usage.