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One line summary of your issue
[3.3.0] Freckles inheritance script syntax issue (event HFP.30030)

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I discovered this while bugfixing my own events based on the event HFP.30030 (triggered on_birth, does freckles inheritance).

The event checks scopes "mother_even_if_dead" and "real_father_even_if_dead" to determine parental freckles. The issue is that "real_father_even_if_dead" should be "true_father_even_if_dead". The scope "real_father_even_if_dead" only scopes to the real father in cases of misattributed parentage; "true_father_even_if_dead" scopes to either the father (if biological) or the real_father (if misattributed).

With how it works now, freckles can only be passed on through mothers, or by the father only through his hidden children at birth.

As another note (for the same event), that event also takes into account grandparents, but only the paternal grandfather and the maternal grandmother - not all four grandparents (ie. excludes the mother's father and the father's mother). Maybe those two other grandparents should be added in the calculations?

Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above; check file syntax.

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Side note: while implementing events for Improved Genetics' inheritance system into HIP, the developers encountered a lot of weird issues with the "true_father" and "true_father_even_if_dead" scopes, so I wouldn't necessarily trust them. Instead, you'd more likely have to do a more cumbersome "trigger_if" setup where you check "father_even_if_dead" if "is_father_real_father = yes", and otherwise you check "real_father_even_if_dead", and you do this at every single father check (so father, paternal grandfather, and maternal grandfather).