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Dec 9, 2019
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One line summary of your issue
3.3.0 (XDSW) Inheritance problem with Meritocracy + Born in the purple

Game Version
3.3.0 (XDSW)

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon,
Monks & Mystics,
The Reapers Due,
Horse Lords,
Way of Life,
Rajas of India,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam,
Holy Fury

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As Empress of a Byzantine-like empire (in Cognatic Gavelkind succession) with relgion featuring [Meritocracy] I have access to the [choose heir] button on my children. Except that :
- When I chose one of my children (with [Born in the purple], thus not disqualified de facto) as heir, he only became heir to my lower titles (that are in Cognatic Primogeniture, but I don't think that's the problem, see below), and my oldest son with [Born in the purple] remained heir to the Empire.
- I can't choose back my oldest son with [Born in the purple] as heir, since there is the crown signaling my heir in the place the button [Choose heir] should be.

I think that the problem comes from [Born in the purple] (and not from discrepancy between succession laws) since my previous character was already Basileus (with the same succession laws) and had no problem choosing an heir that was not its oldest child, the only difference being that none of his children was [Born in the Purple].

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Having [Meritocracy] as religous feature and being Basileus of a Byzantine(-like) empire with multiple born in the purple children should reproduce the bug I guess.

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When I try to open your save, it says that Random World was enabled.

I'm going to bet that you somehow need to provide the file that has your random world settings, but I don't personally know how to find it. Good Luck!