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One line summary of your issue
3.3.2 (IIVC) levy resets to half in county with Great Wall every time I load a savegame

Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
every time i load a savegame my levy in Jiuquan (where there is a great work: Great Walls) resets to being only half full even though it was full previously.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
no idea, every time i load a savegame my levy in Jiuquan, where the Great Wall great work is, resets to only half the amount even though it is meant to be full.

in any save I make, I get this problem when I reload.

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Exact same issue here (except in Middlesex with Great Wall)! Really hope they look into this and provide a fix...Great Walls would be an awesome feature if they worked!
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Same issue here. I have been having this problem since great works were released. I was Norse pagan, so there was a work-around, but it's really annoying. If you aren't in a warrior lodge, it's a major hit to power every time you load the game (and if you are, it's a hit to renown). It seems like the additional troops don't get applied until after the troop levels are set, so the game assumes they're empty.
Same here with my great wall in Venice, in which I have the +10% levy size, and all the + archers and heavy infantry bonuses. Apart from dropping the 10% levys every time I load a savegame (in Ironman), it drops my heavy infantry from over 1k to 650, and sends my archers to zero. Apart from that, it brings my garrison down from 2360 to 1840 even when I don't have the + 10% garrison size... hope they take the time to fix this even if they're busy with CKIII.