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[3.3.2 (IIVC)] Vassal limit independence logic appears to be partially reversed
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Event 63100 in vassal_requests_events.txt, which handles possible vassal independence/vassal defection to a higher liege if someone is above the vassal limit, includes opinion checks towards the liege. However, as currently written it is LESS likely for vassals to go independent/defect if they dislike their liege.
Presumably it should be MORE likely for dissatisfied vassals to elect to not remain vassals, which means the NOT should be removed in all the relevant opinion checks.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
N/A; issue is script-based
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[3.3.2 (IIVC)] Vassal limit independence logic appears to be partially reversed
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Event 63100 in vassal_requests_events.txt, which handles possible vassal independence/vassal defection to a higher liege if someone is above the vassal limit, includes opinion checks towards the liege. However, as currently written it is LESS likely for vassals to go independent/defect if they dislike their liege.
Presumably it should be MORE likely for dissatisfied vassals to elect to not remain vassals, which means the NOT should be removed in all the relevant opinion checks.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
N/A; issue is script-based
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