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Cannot Grant Land to Theocracies Above 10%, But Can Transfer Vassals To Them Above 10%; Cannot Grant 2+ Duchies, But They Create Them
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With the default rules for theocracies and merchant republics, you cannot directly grant land to either type if the grant will exceed the total type holdings above 10%. However, you can transfer vassals to existing theocracies or republics without limit, even if this results in their controlling vastly above 10% of your total demense.
Furthermore, though you cannot transfer more than one duchy to a theocracy, theocracies will create additional duchies for themselves, if they control the sufficient percentage of de jure duchies and have the gold and inclination to do so.
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Cannot Grant Land to Theocracies Above 10%, But Can Transfer Vassals To Them Above 10%; Cannot Grant 2+ Duchies, But They Create Them
Game Version
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
With the default rules for theocracies and merchant republics, you cannot directly grant land to either type if the grant will exceed the total type holdings above 10%. However, you can transfer vassals to existing theocracies or republics without limit, even if this results in their controlling vastly above 10% of your total demense.
Furthermore, though you cannot transfer more than one duchy to a theocracy, theocracies will create additional duchies for themselves, if they control the sufficient percentage of de jure duchies and have the gold and inclination to do so.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
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