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Apr 10, 2018
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
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  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
One line summary of your issue
CK2 Version 3.2.1: Legitimate First Children becoming Illegitimate via Adultery Mechanic Bug

Game Version
CK2 3.2.1

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon,
Monks & Mystics,
The Reapers Due,
Horse Lords,
Way of Life,
Rajas of India,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam,
Holy Fury

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
There appears to be a bug linked to the birth of first-born children in newly married couples. I've seen it happen multiple times, though I don't recall it happening to my own characters but all across the AI couples.

When the bug happens, the AI seem to receive a false message stating that the birth of their first child with their current spouse is actually a bastard. The relationship between the two spouses takes a hit per adultery with the appropriate modifiers, which is bad enough, but then the child of the union is made a bastard AND receives a new dynasty as if it were born to an unknown father.

Hence, you'll have for example a Byzantine emperor and his empress with two daughters - the first which now has the last name of "of Constantinople" and unable to inherit, the second daughter and any others retaining the correct familial name and able per legitimacy laws to inherit.

This doesn't just wreak havoc on the relationships between spouses in a horrible way, it also has led to multiple families dying out when there were living male and female heirs who should have inherited - barring the action from this bug.

I've included screenshots of the bug and had hoped the recent updates would fix it, since it genuinely breaks gameplay immersion for me in a major way. I hope it's an easy fix, though I don't know personally how to figure out what would be spurring it. Thanks in advance and best.


Steps to reproduce the issue.
Honestly just play through and watch. It's current as of the most recent patch. Check random families controlled by the AI. I can't guess at how many are impacted statistically, but just by clicking around I found two within about a minute.

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If this is only happening for Catholic and Orthodox rulers, then I know what's causing this... and it's not a bug, it's a feature. Holy Fury introduced a small event chain for Catholic and Orthodox mothers who have just given birth called Churching of the Mother. One of the outcomes of this event is that the mother chokes on their communion and reveals the name of their child's real father. Problem is, this outcome can trigger even if the child is not actually a bastard; in that case, the event just sets the child's father to nobody before going through the effects of having them be revealed as a bastard.

There are some actual bugs associated with the bastard outcome of the Churching event (e.g. in the case of twins, only one of them gets revealed as a bastard and the other isn't), but the fact that children who aren't bastards can still be declared as such isn't a bug, it's a feature. Whether or not you think it's a good feature is another matter entirely...
If this is only happening for Catholic and Orthodox rulers, then I know what's causing this... and it's not a bug, it's a feature. Holy Fury introduced a small event chain for Catholic and Orthodox mothers who have just given birth called Churching of the Mother. One of the outcomes of this event is that the mother chokes on their communion and reveals the name of their child's real father. Problem is, this outcome can trigger even if the child is not actually a bastard; in that case, the event just sets the child's father to nobody before going through the effects of having them be revealed as a bastard.

There are some actual bugs associated with the bastard outcome of the Churching event (e.g. in the case of twins, only one of them gets revealed as a bastard and the other isn't), but the fact that children who aren't bastards can still be declared as such isn't a bug, it's a feature. Whether or not you think it's a good feature is another matter entirely...
If it's a feature, it's an extremely dumb feature...
Thank you for the comments and explanation back! :)
I really wonder what the rationale was for the set-up for the event chain.

If, as you've said, this is a feature...I'd really love for it to be tightened up. I'm totally cool with that event firing if a child is in fact illegitimate (kinda wish this happened a trifle more with as often as romancers spawn ridiculous amounts of kids with married women, which is fairly anachronistic on the levels it can reach in-game), and I'm even ok with it firing if the kid IS legitimate. If I have to accept the latter of the two cases (firing when legitimate and then being bastardized), then I'd like it if at least removed the father as shown or something. That's definitely not my ideal though: I'd love it if the event didn't fire as it does now unless a child were actually illegitimate.