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Community of Saint Anthony lacks member_score definition
Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE
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The Community of Saint Anthony monastic society does not have a member_score section defined in it. As a result, only one's rank and learning are taken into account when calculating member score, rather than factors such as whether one is a priest or virtuous, as in other monastic societies.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Select a Miaphysite character
2. View the Community of Saint Anthony's members
3. Examine their member score breakdown
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Community of Saint Anthony lacks member_score definition
Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The Community of Saint Anthony monastic society does not have a member_score section defined in it. As a result, only one's rank and learning are taken into account when calculating member score, rather than factors such as whether one is a priest or virtuous, as in other monastic societies.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Select a Miaphysite character
2. View the Community of Saint Anthony's members
3. Examine their member score breakdown
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