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Customizable localisation concerning religion has bugged options
Game Version
[3.2.1] [AZCE]
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line 5076
defined text "GetReligionAdherent" from line 5274 on is bugged. It checks for true religion instead of nominal religion, which is unintended because there's a separate defined text for that called "GetTrueReligionAdherent", defined above.
Also, it has a second entry for taoist there, while the proper option (with nominal instead of secret religion check) is already defined above.
Lastly, it is missing an entry for Hellenic, which isn't technically a bug because there is a fallback in place. However, a fitting string seems to exist and is used in "GetTrueReligionAdherent", so an option could be added in "GetReligionAdherent" for Hellenic as well.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Open /localisation/customizable_localisation/00_customizable_localisation.txt
Go to line 5076 or search for "GetReligionAdherent"
Compare entries before and after line 5274
compare with "GetTrueReligionsAdherent"
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Customizable localisation concerning religion has bugged options
Game Version
[3.2.1] [AZCE]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
line 5076
defined text "GetReligionAdherent" from line 5274 on is bugged. It checks for true religion instead of nominal religion, which is unintended because there's a separate defined text for that called "GetTrueReligionAdherent", defined above.
Also, it has a second entry for taoist there, while the proper option (with nominal instead of secret religion check) is already defined above.
Lastly, it is missing an entry for Hellenic, which isn't technically a bug because there is a fallback in place. However, a fitting string seems to exist and is used in "GetTrueReligionAdherent", so an option could be added in "GetReligionAdherent" for Hellenic as well.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Open /localisation/customizable_localisation/00_customizable_localisation.txt
Go to line 5076 or search for "GetReligionAdherent"
Compare entries before and after line 5274
compare with "GetTrueReligionsAdherent"
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