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Second Lieutenant
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Oct 31, 2013
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One line summary of your issue
Divorce with Divine Marriage and Polygamy

Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I reformed Hellenic with Hierocratic, DM and Polygamy. My first wife is my sister. My second wife is not related to me, but Pontifex refuses to let us divorce, because he thinks that our marriage is Divine, probably looking on my first wife, while he should look on this second wife which is not related to me.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
I guess it would be enough to reform with DM+Polygamy and Hierocratic religious head and try to divorce with your secondary non-related wife

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It also extends to all modifiers. Here i can't divorce my secondary wife Viviana, who's unfaithful, because the Pontifex thinks my main wife Sallustia is faithful

So this bug is still going?
It's not that Princeps thinks you want divorce first wife - he can't divorce any wife other than first [muslim polygamy wasn't supposed to ask for divorce] - look at second picture "from Sallustia" - if he would agree you would end divorcing Sallustia not Viviana.
That bug was introduced with Holy Fury and makes Polygamy combining with theocratic religious head broken.