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Endless Papal Wars
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As a Hellenic Emperor around the year 1120 (Not ERE, I went independent from them and formed a new one), I was continuously under attack by an angry pope. I'd get a message saying he called in one of his "lackeys" to take back Latium. The problem was the "lackey" was always the Emperor of the HRE, or Germania, or the ERE. He would have all 3 attacking me at once, in 3 separate wars. I'd beat one to 100% war score, put the attacking emperor at his maximum -1000 gold hole, but the pope would simply call him back into the 10th war for latium a month or two after peace! I couldn't stop these endless wars for latium until I had all 3 attacking empires @ 100% warscore in all 3 wars and signing peace at the same time. The pope hasn't called another war since.
Also, the Arabian empire sat at 0% decadence since overtaking the abbassids in the late 700's. They have blobbed over half the map and the only reason they aren't out of control is because I keep winning crusades against them. They had 100k troops in the year 960, it was ridiculous! Never had a game like this before.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Be a reformed Hellenic emperor that controls Latium?
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Endless Papal Wars
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As a Hellenic Emperor around the year 1120 (Not ERE, I went independent from them and formed a new one), I was continuously under attack by an angry pope. I'd get a message saying he called in one of his "lackeys" to take back Latium. The problem was the "lackey" was always the Emperor of the HRE, or Germania, or the ERE. He would have all 3 attacking me at once, in 3 separate wars. I'd beat one to 100% war score, put the attacking emperor at his maximum -1000 gold hole, but the pope would simply call him back into the 10th war for latium a month or two after peace! I couldn't stop these endless wars for latium until I had all 3 attacking empires @ 100% warscore in all 3 wars and signing peace at the same time. The pope hasn't called another war since.
Also, the Arabian empire sat at 0% decadence since overtaking the abbassids in the late 700's. They have blobbed over half the map and the only reason they aren't out of control is because I keep winning crusades against them. They had 100k troops in the year 960, it was ridiculous! Never had a game like this before.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Be a reformed Hellenic emperor that controls Latium?
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