One line summary of your issue
EU4 Exporter wonders do not work
Game Version
3.1.0 (KKAD)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The converted scenarios use some modifiers incorrectly in the mod/scenario/common/event_modifiers/99_converter_modifiers.txt
I am using a mac, the exact path might be different for other systems.
local_trade_value = 0.5 modifier does not exist in eu4, you could maybe use province_trade_power_modifier = 0.5
Instead of local_sailors = 1 , I think you should use local_sailors_modifier = 1
I think the other modifiers are in order.
EDIT: Sorry for the title, I do not know how to modify it, I should have written "some wonder modifiers are incorrect"
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Take a converted scenario, start adding wonders to one province, and see if they provide the modifiers as indented or not.
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EU4 Exporter wonders do not work
Game Version
3.1.0 (KKAD)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The converted scenarios use some modifiers incorrectly in the mod/scenario/common/event_modifiers/99_converter_modifiers.txt
I am using a mac, the exact path might be different for other systems.
local_trade_value = 0.5 modifier does not exist in eu4, you could maybe use province_trade_power_modifier = 0.5
Instead of local_sailors = 1 , I think you should use local_sailors_modifier = 1
I think the other modifiers are in order.
EDIT: Sorry for the title, I do not know how to modify it, I should have written "some wonder modifiers are incorrect"
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Take a converted scenario, start adding wonders to one province, and see if they provide the modifiers as indented or not.
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