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Second Lieutenant
42 Badges
Feb 24, 2016
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One line summary of your issue
Faulty "Af Orkneyjar" Dynasty tree

Game Version
3.2 Checksum KLLL

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon,
Monks & Mystics,
The Reapers Due,
Horse Lords,
Way of Life,
Rajas of India,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Not sure if this issue has been described already, but the dynasty tree for Af Orkneyjar is faulty. Probably the result of adding new characters in this new patch, and by doing so the births and/or death dates of one or several characters do not make sense. Or alternatively a character with a father that does not make sense (i.e. a father that is not born yet, or a father that was already dead, something like that) - that would be my guess.

A fix in the upcoming hotfix should be easy, just find the character(s) with messed up birth/death dates.

(I use no mods that affect history files.)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Start the game and look at their dynasty tree.

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Yes, this family is broken in vanilla 936.

Several Welsh and Irish families broken in 1066 also.
It seems like many of the characters of this dynasty has finally been merged with the "Trönde" dynasty (they used to be doppelgangers before). I think the issue lies in the fact that all of Rögnvald Trönde's siblings and children (except Rollo) switches to "af Orkneyjar" dynasty, when a dynasty can only have one founder. And that should probably be 'Torf'-Einarr (who rules the islands in the Iron Century start. He was the only one of the siblings who succeeded there. His siblings, I think, should rather stay in the "Trönde" dynasty, or form separate ones (though that's probably pointless since their lines quickly died out or was forgotten).
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