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Sep 25, 2012
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One line summary of your issue
Feudal elective succession loss results in game over despite dynastic kin holding land

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon,
Monks & Mystics,
The Reapers Due,
Horse Lords,
Way of Life,
Rajas of India,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam,
Holy Fury, All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
* I picked Charlemagne, legitimized his son Pepin so he was able to inherit and then changed succession law via console to feudal elective, which then leads to the vassals voting for some random duke. I then kill myself with the "die" command and instead of me playing Pepin who should now be a vassal but still inherit my former demesne I get the game over screen.

* I re-ran the experiment exactly like before and this time granted legitimized Pepin a county first - same result: game over.

* Just to be sure there's nothing funny going on with the "die" command I legitimized Pepin but this time killed myself with the original gavelkind succession law still active, which led to a normal inheritance as expected.

The wiki entry for feudal elective says:
- If someone outside your dynasty is elected, extra titles (duchies and below) are given to your children.
- If they have no other titles, it is game over!This is obviously wrong and not the case right now.

* Just to make sure it doesn't have anything to do with funky duchy titles I re-ran the experiment by creating a duchy title (Charlemagne doesn't have one at the start) and granted legitimized Pepin a county in that de jure duchy title. Same result, game over.

Edit: I always ran a fully monthly tick after legitimizing / granting land / killing myself

Suggested fix:

The game should really make one more daily tick after you die without heir or lose your last landed title just to check if any dynasty member(s) anywhere at all is count+ landed and then give you control of the "strongest" dynastic character (e.g. determined by realm size?), unless that character is played by another player or has a non-playable government form due to dlc or non-dynastic inheritance.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above

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Thank you for your report! I've added this bug to our internal tracker.
Thank you! It used to be like that ages back. I remember playing a ruler in France, and suddenly teleporting to a ruler in Germany because I French Ruler died, or lost an Election...

I wonder what caused it to change?
Hello again! I tried to reproduce this bug with the STR you suggested but was not able to. Do you have any more information on in what specific conditions this happens or maybe a save file where the bug can be reproduced?

ck2_194.png ck2_195.png
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Okay, something weird is going on.

I tried to reproduce it in 3.2.1, no mods and correct checksum, game settings set to default, non-ironman.
I go new game, 769 startdate, custom, pick Charlemagne, start game, legitimize Pepin which correctly updates him as primary heir in the laws succession tab and then I enter "succ feudal_elective" into the console and this is what happens instead:

Screenshot (305).png
Notice the game does not recognize any electors and that the "nominate successor" crown button is gone as well compared to your screenshot. When running the game nothing updates, everyone stays at 0 votes and the button is nowhere to be found.

You'll find the savegame I saved after performing all of the above steps as an attachment below.

I then tried to roll back to 3.1.1. which is the version where I first encountered the bug. I verified the game cache via steam just to be sure and then I exactly replicated what I just described from the very start and now the result is the exact same outcome as in 3.2.1. with the nominate successor button missing etc.

Savegame for 3.1.1. is below as well.

Edit: Okay I tried something out and this time it worked out how you described it. Instead of using "succ feudal_elective" in the console I used "allow_laws" and selected elective monarchy manually, which does result in the nominate successor button being there, Electors voting for a duke and the succession of Pepin does not result in game over. Sorry, I have no idea what is going on and unfortunately I do not have a save from the initial 3.1.1. game where I first reported the bug because it was so readily reproducable for me.

Edit#2: In case you still want to follow this up for some reason I initially suspected it may have to do with the "Carolingean Hegemony" "government form" (I mean whatever causes the picture in the succession laws tab to be what it is) somehow interacting with feudal elective. However, that does not seem to be the problem. If I play for example Lombardy and console in succ feudal_elective I get the exact same problems as with Carlemagne.

On a separate note: I'm pretty sure there used to be a time when you would take control of any landed (count+) dynasty member if the character you played lost their last landed title. Right now you will get a game over if that happens. Example: Take someone in Brittany, grab some mercenaries and declare a war for a second county and take it. Grant that second county to your dynastic son, making him independent. Spawn a revolt in your province and lose on purpose. You get a game over instead of switching to your landed son.
Is this really working as designed? There was a discussion about this recently and most people agreed to remember that in earlier versions you would take possession of another landed dynasty member after losing your last landed title.


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