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Aug 15, 2019
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One line summary of your issue
Grandmother's saintly bloodline does not go to her Granddaughter

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
My current character who's grandmother got sainted does not have the saintly bloodline even though her mother does and my current character was born from a matrilinal marriage and my mother was born from a matrillinal marriage also.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Step one: load game
Step two: look at bloodlines on current character
Step three: look at bloodlines on both mother and grandmother

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  • Ironman_Magyar.ck2
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So something interesting to report. I opened up the save file with the Real Father + Visible Health and Fertility mod, which is achievement compatible (since it doesn't change the checksum, just reports info that's normally hidden).

None of your grandmother's children were bastards nor were any of your mother's children.

As the report states, both your mother and grandmother were in matrilineal marriages.

The *real* kicker is that your mother is still alive, so it didn't fail due to mother being dead when the bloodline is created (which would have been an old issue, but a solvable one).

So I started poking around in the other saintly bloodlines, and something is very, very wrong with your save. Saint Bernat II and Saint Branimir somehow have Saint Godfried's bloodline despite A. being unrelated entirely to him, B. dying 76 and 65 years, respectively, BEFORE Saint Godfried. Furthermore, Saint Bernat II's bloodline was founded 19 years after he died, Saint Branimir's bloodline was founded 13 years after he died, and Saint Godfried's bloodline was founded 30 years after he died. Compare this to your grandmother's bloodline, which happened 4 years after her death, which is within the usual 3-6 years after she died. Something is definitely wrong in this save.
Something is definitely wrong in this save.

Weird... I only use cosmetic mods like health and fertility and map mods. (obviously since ironman) Do you have any idea why this would happen? i've never messed around with anything related to bloodlines so it isnt me accidentally editing a file while I was creating a mod...
I'm having a similar problem. Grandpa generated a saintly bloodline. Mom inherited it. I was born from a matralinial marriage with another guy who had another bloodline I wanted. Mother has three bloodlines: Grandpa's historical bloodline (Baselios), his generated bloodline (Warrior Philosopher), and his saintly bloodline. Father has one more: his own historical (Bagrat). I inherited Grandpa's historical (Baselios), Grandpa's generated (Warrior Philospher), and Dad's historical (Bagrat), but *not* Grandpa's saintly.
I have the same issue - a daughter matrilinially married passed on her bloodlines to her son, but died before her father. Her father created 2 more bloodlines - warrior lodge and venerated ancestor - and the grandson did not receive these bloodlines. I have to add another generation to the bloodline marraige game to re-add these bloodlines to the mix. Not game-ending, but not something I can fix with mods.

Edit - added save game. To see what happened, select the heir to the current emperor Gudrun, follow her father and his mother back to her great-grandfather Anlaufer who formed the bloodlines. Anlaufer passed on his inherited bloodlines to his daughter Bjorg, who matrilinially passed them on to her son Rafr. Rafr passed them on to his daughter Gudrun. However, Anlaufer formed 2 bloodlines after Bjorg died and she received those, but she did not pass them on to her son Rafr so he didn't have them to pass on to his daughter.


  • Ironman_Svitjod 5.ck2
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