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Mar 30, 2018
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One line summary of your issue
House Eirikson in 867 start has a broken dynasty

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?

I'm submitting this report for my girlfriend who has them all, but DLCs should be irrelevant -- except obviously whichever ones let you play pagans these days.

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Alfgeir of Sygnafylki, of House Eirikson, charid 280023, seems to have a broken dynasty; each member appears in a vertical line, unconnected by any family tree. I think this is a pretty well-known problem that's arisen in the past so I don't think there's need to describe it any further. I suspect Paradox recently hired a bunch of people and used the last major update as an opportunity to train them in creating provinces, writing events, and such for the Clausewitz Engine, and a newbie just didn't get the dynasty tree set up properly.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Play this guy, invite a debutante to court and marry her, use the console to pollinate her, then make her give birth. Check the resulting child's dynasty and the problem manifests. Cheers!

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