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Valens Bellator

Second Lieutenant
73 Badges
Sep 22, 2009
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One line summary of your issue
Ironman Game Crashes to Desktop Once Unpaused

Game Version
3.2.1 (ZZCE)

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Hi, I decided to go after the recent achievements for becoming a Crusader King and forming the empire of Oultrejordain... After a couple of centuries of putting my family everywhere I finally won that Crusade for Jersusalem and was prepared to switch to that new king.

I wanted to be sure I was doing everything right to qualify for that achievement, though, so I saved and left the game paused as I read some online suggestions for how best to approach that Oultrejordain achievement.

I'm down in Florida and, even though the hurricane isn't here yet, it seemed to cause a power flicker and the computer just shut off. I didn't think much of it, but when I got back I noticed that while the game would load just fine and function, the moment I unpaused and a day passed the game would crash straight to desktop. I verified game's integrity and restarted, but nothing changes that, and the game otherwise works just fine. I've also tried to figure out what might cause it in-game, but I can't see anything out of the ordinary.

My only guess is this: The crusade ended sooner than I expected (it was at 91%) and I accidentally clicked the first popup about it ending, but I avoided clicking the other one as I didn't want the game to unpause and saved it. Perhaps those events are meant to either both be clicked or unclicked within a save file and the split is what caused the issue?

I use Windows 10 and do have the dump files and save if that helps.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Simply load the game. You'll see that everything is working great, but the moment it is unpaused and a day passes things the game crashes to desktop. I've not been able to determine what the problem actually is or if they is something in-game I can do to avoid the crash.

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