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12 Badges
Dec 17, 2022
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
One line summary of your issue
Jihad & Crusade(s) conflicting with each other in (SOHY)

Game Version (SOHY)

What expansions do you have installed?
Way of Life, Sons of Abraham, Legacy of Rome, Sword of Islam

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I'm playing Ironman mode for achievements as a Seljuk vassal when we had a jihad called targeting Holy Roman Empire owned Egypt, which I joined, hiring the only available Muslim Holy Order. During this ongoing war the pope called a crusade for Anatolia, and I guess everybody already involved in the jihad (on both sides) pledged. Then the top "incoming crusade" icon suddenly disappeared, I kept playing for a while then logged out.

The day after when logging in the game the top "incoming crusade" icon showed back, but targeting Aragon instead. I was already included in this "new" one as I pledged to Anatolia the day before. This unexpected crusade for Aragon improperly started a few days before we won the jihad for Egypt (without any warscore icon), but then there was no other war going on.

As you can see on the screenshot,
- the incoming crusade icon is up, but the left hand side holy war banner is not, although the crusade is supposed to be going on, after the pope told the known world about it,
- there is no right hand side warscore icon either,
- I am included in the defenders, but not at war,
- nothing is happening locally in Aragon, and Anatolia either.

My liege is busy revoking titles in his newly won kingdom, our religious head is holy warring somewhere else, and the holy order is charging monthly cash maintenance costs, well, life is going on, but with a broken crusade project.

When I log out and back in, the situation is the same, so I guess there must be a bug somewhere preventing two world wars at the same time, or allowing such a strange idea to take place, improperly that is.
I have no mod installed other than the aforementioned DLCs.

And yes, I'm the Court Musician of Persia :cool:

Edit: the crusade took place in Aragon and was successful, but I could only see it as if I wasn't part of the event, and couldn't ask anybody to join the party. The only warscore available was from the top incoming crusade icon, and was showing the warscore from the attacker point of view. Also, none of my commanders (and myself) earned the Mujahid trait being part of the previous Jihad, even though we all fought in battles and captured lands.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Well I guess better ask the Pope as he's the one asking for trouble, I'm just some dull vassal following orders and doing his best to survive

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