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56 Badges
Mar 5, 2019
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Victoria 2
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Imperator: Rome
One line summary of your issue
Kingdoms of Swabia and Franconia can be created while vassals of the HRE

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All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The Iron Century update introduced the decisions to create the Grand Duchies of Saxony, Swabia and Franconia, as well as a few others. However there exist the titular Kingdoms of Swabia and Franconia, allowing their creation in-game.

Having literal kings in the HRE besides the King of Bohemia is quite ahistorical and happens extremely early in a campaign, leading to quite some border gore after sufficient time has passed to let random two-county duchies drift into those titular titles.

Proposed fixes:

Option 0: Delete the Kingdom of Franconia and the Kingdom of Swabia from the game entirely. The titular Grand Duchies still exist.

Option 1: Historically, the Holy Roman Emperor was the King of Germans, as such a German vassal could never possibly be a literal King in the HRE. Such, I propose that the Kingdom of Swabia and Kingdom of Franconia can not be created by Central Germanic characters while also vassals of the HRE. This also necessitates amending the decisions to create the Grand Duchies such that the respective Kingdoms must not be titular as well.

Seeing as the titular Kingdoms are de-jure vassals of the Empire of Germania, this still allows the alternate history of the HRE never forming, but an Empire of Germania emerging with de-jure vassal Kings of Swabia, Franconia, Thuringia, Saxony and so on. Or Germania forming and then converting to the HRE after acquiring the Kingdom of Italy.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Pick the 1066 start date. Either

1. Play a normal game and wait until the Duke of Swabia or the Duke of Franconia have amassed enough wealth and piety to create a second duchy and subsequently create the titular Kingdom of Swabia or Franconia respectively. Or

2. Create and grant any second duchy, as well as sufficient money and piety to either the duke of Swabia or the duke of Franconia so they immediately create the titular Kingdom of Swabia or Franconia respectively. Or

3. Play as either of those dukes, wait to accumulate the necessary money and piety or grant it yourself via console, then create the respective Kingdom by searching the console for the title and creating it.

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The kingdoms (not Grand Duchies) of Franconia, Swabia and Thuringia are part of the Thankmar's rebellion event chain and should be disabled at all starts and only be reactivated as part of that event chain.

It's been acknowledged (see first post and response) and will hopefully be fixed after the summer.

In the meantime, it's super easy to fix in a personal mod. Simply create history files for all three titles (k_franconia_otto, k_swabia_otto, k_thuringia_otto) and add the following lines:

20.1.1 = {
    active = no


With the fix being so simple I decided to simply upload it.
Unzip in ".\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod"

It might cause problems with Thankmar's event chain but only if you're playing as him yourself and decide to split up Germany (the AI never picks this option) so in that case you can simple disable the mod.


  • bugfix.zip
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