One line summary of your issue
Known Plot "No Current Ambition" Targeting "UI Missing Text"
Game Version
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I have a visible plot (picture attached) in which I can see a plot with my own player icon under the name "No Current Ambition" targetting "UI Missing Text" (no icon). The plot text is "UI Missing Text". I do not have an active plot.
Possibly related: I did have a plot to kill an adventurer which became invalid after I won a war against him, and he was a close kinsman (as the blood drop on UI may suggest). I do have a save file available for this.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
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Known Plot "No Current Ambition" Targeting "UI Missing Text"
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I have a visible plot (picture attached) in which I can see a plot with my own player icon under the name "No Current Ambition" targetting "UI Missing Text" (no icon). The plot text is "UI Missing Text". I do not have an active plot.
Possibly related: I did have a plot to kill an adventurer which became invalid after I won a war against him, and he was a close kinsman (as the blood drop on UI may suggest). I do have a save file available for this.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
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