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May 4, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Message settings not working (again)

Game Version
3.1.0 KKAD

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I should not get this message in this way:


(Why are my reports called "applications"? I am not applying for anything)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
play the game, have a vasall, have said vasall create a title.

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I should not get this message in this way:

You have the first row "Show as a popup window".
What are your Message Rules set at (in the outliner configuration) ?

You likely have one of the ruler or vassal options active or not "Close Family", but "Extended Family"or even "All Dynasty members".

this is what I have. But thank you for pointing me to yet another options menu for the message/notifications that I hadn't seen before (why cant this be more organized? ><)

and what do they even mean? Are those the settings for what is encompassed by the gold star level? are they in addition to the three levels of importance? I'm confused.

(edit: she isn't a direct vasall, not close family and definitely not my liege :D )
(why cant this be more organized? ><)

A question often asked in the last seven years...:rolleyes:
No answers.

and what do they even mean? Are those the settings for what is encompassed by the gold star level? are they in addition to the three levels of importance?

I don't know and can only make the same obvious assumptions as anyone else.
Sometimes i doubt that Paradox knows..,but it plays a part. Somehow.

again: I have no idea why I get this notification and how can opt out of it (without losing the notification when I imprison someone.)

He is not my close kin, he is not my liege, and he isn't even a character of interest.