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One line summary of your issue
Message settings still not working

Game Version
Iron Century

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
In my understanding there should be no way that I'd get this message:


and yet I do :(
(also applies to a lot of other messages that force me to either disable them completely or get spammed by notifications I dont want if I dont want to miss the one that I actually care about...making the entire system basically worthless for me)

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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Thank you for your report. I've added this bug to our internal bug tracker. I've seen a few other mentions about message settings recently, do you know if this bug only affects this particular setting or others too?

I know there was a problem a while back where the message settings weren't saved between sessions (when quitting and restarting the game) but this seems to be a separate problem.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.

This is not an issue of message settings not being saved - after the patch just hit, I had to re-do most of my settings, so this was changed maybe 10 min before I took the pic, same session.

I have reported similar issues before (in the end I was forced to just turn off notifications for most stuff completely):



and when I set notifications for the "starred" characters, I tend to also get spammed by messages about their courtiers, family, vasalls, dogs, goldfish, whatever, further making me just turn off more and more notifications completely because they dont provide any use for me.
  • 1
Thank you for the additional information. Will link your older threads to the bug and see if I can reproduce from here.

What I meant was that I was aware that there have been problems with message settings before but that I wasn't familiar with the exact details of the current problem.
If I can make one wish regarding this issue:

Please try to make the setting for the notification for "when a character finishes his/her education" (aka turns 16) work
(and please ONLY for the starred characters if I set it that way and not their children/spouses/vasalls......)

I'd say out of the ones currently not working the way they should this is one of the most useful.

(Also there is no actual notification for when your spouse dies, meaning you cant set it so that this pauses the game...all you get is the "your ruler is unmarried" info/warning at the top of the screen)

I didn't suggest this law ("My suggested law passes"), the person is not even of my dynasty, let alone a close kin of me, and not someone I marked as "important".
I agree. Message settings is probably the weakest feature in the game, forcing you to disable most messages so you do not get spammed. One of the problems is that messages related to a "character of interest" are not limited to what happen with that character, but their entire court and even other members in their family, and that leads to the player getting hundreds of messages about people he/she is not interested about.
  • 1
Something I noticed when playing an Iron Century game:
In my game the Children's Crusade won, so I marked the leader of the Children's Crusade as a character of special interest. I assumed when he died, I'd stop getting messages from Jerusalem, but apparently, the game automatically marked his son as special interest when he died. @Chep Is it possible you marked his father/grandfather as special interest?
I know that the character of interest mark is inheritable, but of course I checked before posting, the characters in my posts are all NOT marked. (also: again, it shouldn't even tell me about the ones I marked as important because I set the messages up so that it should only notify me when it's me)