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One line summary of your issue
Missing code in Vanilla 3.2.1 AZCE

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I was looking at the bloodline code currently used and noticed that the following block seems to have a missing picture or something.
event_religion_peaceful_bloodline_04 = {
    picture = GFX_bloodlines_symbol_pagan #Pagan
    inheritance = patrilineal
    allow_bastards = yes
    monthly_character_piety = 0.1
    tech_growth_modifier_culture = 0.05
    church_opinion = 4
    active = {
        religion_same_as_bloodline_founder_trigger = yes
#        custom_tooltip = {
#            text = saintly_bloodline_same_religion_TT
#            FROM = {
#                founder = {
#                    religion = ROOT
#                }
#            }
#        }
    bloodline_effect_more_philosophers = 1
    flags = { created_bloodline bloodline_more_philosophers }
which is triggered from HF.24064. The thing is "GFX_bloodlines_symbol_pagan" is not defined in the code and so I'd imagine is either hard coded or just not defined bt accident.

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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