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Monastic Order Event Allows for Stealing Non Existent Artifact
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Mods are cosmetic only. Build is AZCE
I stole about 4 artifacts previously (crown of thorns, robe of Jesus, Edessa painting, and holy prepuse; not sure if I stole more) and I got another popup for this for another character. The event doesn't say if there's an event. I pressed the third option just to see what would happen. The next step that gives you an option to run or bribe came up. I chose to run. I next killed the person who saw me. Later I was blackmailed. I never received any artifact.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
I guess steal at least 4 artifacts from the order on different characters then on another character see if the event fires again but without an actual artifact to steal.
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Monastic Order Event Allows for Stealing Non Existent Artifact
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Mods are cosmetic only. Build is AZCE
I stole about 4 artifacts previously (crown of thorns, robe of Jesus, Edessa painting, and holy prepuse; not sure if I stole more) and I got another popup for this for another character. The event doesn't say if there's an event. I pressed the third option just to see what would happen. The next step that gives you an option to run or bribe came up. I chose to run. I next killed the person who saw me. Later I was blackmailed. I never received any artifact.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
I guess steal at least 4 artifacts from the order on different characters then on another character see if the event fires again but without an actual artifact to steal.
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