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May 4, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
no notification when wife dies (and other message fails)

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All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Is there a way to get a message that pauses the game when my wife/concubine dies? (this is especially true for muslim 2nd wifes and concubines as you dont even get the tiny "ruler unmarried" info popup.

I remember posting about this in April/May but it seems there still isn't a message setting corresponding to that.

Same thing for the situation when you lose a child you tutor (not those you tutor if you're court tutor/dont have a court tutor appointed, but the ones you specifically assigned yourself to as a guardian). it is after all really annoying if you have to check every 30 sec if you're still tutoring your heir or if he has someone else doing that now.

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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