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Polygamy Prestige Problem
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The order of characters in the arrange marriage box determines whether they lose (or possibly gain) prestige from marriages under polygamy. I discovered this after reforming Tengri to have polygamy, and then losing prestige. At first I started writing up a bug report that pagans were being unfairly penalized versus Muslims, but then on further testing, I realized that it's only a problem if the lower-rank character is on the left in the arrange marriage box, and it applies to Muslims too.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load up my save and play around. I have plenty of unmarried courtier women and only one wife on my ruler.
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Polygamy Prestige Problem
Game Version
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The order of characters in the arrange marriage box determines whether they lose (or possibly gain) prestige from marriages under polygamy. I discovered this after reforming Tengri to have polygamy, and then losing prestige. At first I started writing up a bug report that pagans were being unfairly penalized versus Muslims, but then on further testing, I realized that it's only a problem if the lower-rank character is on the left in the arrange marriage box, and it applies to Muslims too.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load up my save and play around. I have plenty of unmarried courtier women and only one wife on my ruler.
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