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May 4, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Ruler tutors prisoners instead of Court tutor

Game Version
3.1.0 KKAD

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
This is a seriously aggravating issue because for some reason the default tutor for any imprisoned child is your ruler without any way to change it (the default tutor!).

Steps to reproduce the issue.
take any child as a prisoner

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this is still an issue....

I think it's a great benefit, actually. I can flip all the cultures myself on all my child prisoners - especially since for prisoners, House Arrest works the same as the Heritage focus, so I can both flip culture and religion and give them a proper focus at the same time. :)
that's exactly what you have a court tutor for in the first place.

but the way it is now you get spammed with events for children you generally dont care about (else you would appoint yourself either as their guardian or as court tutor) causing you to miss out on beneficial events for the children you DO CARE about (like your heir), like sure of course I want the smith to make random prisoner #129 brawny instead of my heir, thank you.

and you don't get a notification if a guardian becomes unavailable, so you have to constantly check if there are new prisoners and if the old ones still have their guardians
that's exactly what you have a court tutor for in the first place.

Yep, I know. I wasn't disputing what you said, I was just saying that I like things the way they are. :)

but the way it is now you get spammed with events for children you generally dont care about (else you would appoint yourself either as their guardian or as court tutor) causing you to miss out on beneficial events for the children you DO CARE about (like your heir), like sure of course I want the smith to make random prisoner #129 brawny instead of my heir, thank you.

Spammed with events? How many child prisoners do you have? :D

By the way, the Brawny from the smith event was fixed not to consider children in prison ages ago, so that particular concern has been taken care of. :)
Tutoring your prisoners without special interaction really should go. I'm sick of those events if i play raiders/nomands, but If i chose a count tutor i will have to chose a guardian for my many kids manually.
You should get guardian events for prisoners only if you decided to make yourself a guardian for them
By the way, the Brawny from the smith event was fixed not to consider children in prison ages ago, so that particular concern has been taken care of. :)


This is on 3.2.1 AZCE (the current steam version).

So, is there a much much newer version of the game that I just don't have access to?

This is on 3.2.1 AZCE (the current steam version).

So, is there a much much newer version of the game that I just don't have access to?

I remember that they put in the patch notes that they had changed the age limit on that event so little babies couldn't get buff from helping the smith. Here's the actual filter from the game file:

            limit = { 
                liege = { character = ROOT }
                age <= 16
                age = 9
                is_strong_trigger = no
                NOT = { trait = weak }
                is_inaccessible_or_incapable_trigger = no

The prison check is in the second trigger:

is_inaccessible_or_incapable_trigger = {
    OR = { 
        is_inaccessible_trigger = yes
        trait = incapable
        prisoner = yes

Yet here you are with a 1 year old prisoner getting the event, sarcastically asking me about game versions. Well, there may be an unmodded version out there that you can easily access. ;)
maybe they implemented the trigger but forgot to call/"trigger" it. wouldn't be too much of a surprise after the screwup with the father-basestat-inheritance thing. Overall I get the feeling that no one at Paradox actually plays this game anymore (somewhat understandable), there's so many issues that are obvious and happening in pretty much every run.

In the end the only thing I know/can judge is what the game tells me. and in this case I'm getting the exact same issues I reported 4 months ago