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"Sow dissent" chancellor job probably either buggy or not working as designed
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Successful sow dissent mission triggers for baron tier vassals of the county you put them in instead of sowing distrust between county owner and direct liege.
There is a forum thread about it here:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Put your chancellor in any province of a count+ vassal of a higher tier liege with the "sow dissent" mission and repeatedly use the following console command (unpause game to get the follow-up event that actually applies the opinion modifier):
event 916 [character ID of chancellor]
Each baron has an equal chance to dislike the county owner as the county owner has chance to dislike his liege. This makes the chancellor job extremely useless, so if the event fires it should only be able to target the count+ province owner.
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"Sow dissent" chancellor job probably either buggy or not working as designed
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Successful sow dissent mission triggers for baron tier vassals of the county you put them in instead of sowing distrust between county owner and direct liege.
There is a forum thread about it here:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Put your chancellor in any province of a count+ vassal of a higher tier liege with the "sow dissent" mission and repeatedly use the following console command (unpause game to get the follow-up event that actually applies the opinion modifier):
event 916 [character ID of chancellor]
Each baron has an equal chance to dislike the county owner as the county owner has chance to dislike his liege. This makes the chancellor job extremely useless, so if the event fires it should only be able to target the count+ province owner.
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