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Lord Cuddlesworth

Second Lieutenant
73 Badges
Aug 2, 2015
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One line summary of your issue
Stuck on Permanent Pilgrimage

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
My character, the King of Mighty and Stronk Poland, was invited to the coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor. Before the coronation was finished, the new Emperor died, and everyone who was invited is permanently stuck with the 'Away From Court' modifier.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1: Get invited to a coronation event.
2: Coronated dies during coronation.
3: ???
4: Eternal pilgrimage.

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This bug also happens when you are start your journey to a coronation and the King/Queen goes to war. The coronation is aborted and the King/Queen is not crowned. Not even battlefield crowned.

This bug is stupid. Fix it please.
Here is my bugfix. It's not ironman compatible.

For those who are on a journey forever, open your game console.

To open your game console do the following (copied from the wiki):

  • ` grave accent or backtick
    • On US keyboards, located to the left of 1
    • on Linux/US international layouts , this is Alt Gr + `
  • § section sign
    • On German/Nordic keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + 3
    • On Spanish keyboards, this is is Alt + 2 + 1
    • On Portuguese keyboards, this is Alt Gr + 4
    • On French keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + !
    • On Windows, Alt + NumPad 2 + NumPad 1 enters a §.
    • On OS X, ⌥Option + 6 enters a §.

Type in your console "event HF.20370" and press your RETURN/ENTER key.

You should have lose your trait with the following event opening. Close your console the same way you opened.

I'll create a bugfix soon for those people who have an ironman savegame. This bugfix will not be ironman compatible but you'll at least be able to continue your game.