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Various broken dynasties in 936
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I found some dynasties that do not display correctly in the dynasty trees, and I have in each case identified why. A few of them impact inheritance in obviously unintended ways. Here's a list:
The Barzikani dynasty (1062496) has unrelated Turks and Kurds. The two Kurds are probably supposed to be father and son, but the child does not have a father in the kurdish.txt history file.
The Kalbid dynasty (12240) has a landed Bedouin ruler Al-Hasan with no father in 936 but several Berber members of the same dynasty in his court. One of the Berbers appears to be the historical Al-Hassan (his sons have the right names and he has the right death year), who should probably replace this Bedouin impostor.
Another Berber-Bedouin issue comes up with dynasty number 1062442. This same number is used twice in a row for two unrelated dynasties (one Bedouin, one Berber) in the dynasties.txt file, so one of them needs a new number.
The dynasty number 1062594 is also used twice, once for a Lombard count in 867, and once for a Persian family in 936. Again, one of these needs a new number.
The Bedouin Hizzanid dynasty (1062475) has two members (one deceased) in the dynasty tree in 936 who have no scripted relationship. I think they're intended to be father and son based on the dates.
The Lawik dynasty (1062597) has two living members in 936. One is scripted in the afghan.txt history file as the child of somebody of a different dynasty halfway across the map, one is an unrelated landed adult. I think these are also intended to be father and son.
I'll post in this thread again if I find more. These are all easy fixes to 00_dynasties.txt and some character history files (I've already fixed them all for my own little mod), so hopefully it'll get taken care of in a future patch.
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Various broken dynasties in 936
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I found some dynasties that do not display correctly in the dynasty trees, and I have in each case identified why. A few of them impact inheritance in obviously unintended ways. Here's a list:
The Barzikani dynasty (1062496) has unrelated Turks and Kurds. The two Kurds are probably supposed to be father and son, but the child does not have a father in the kurdish.txt history file.
The Kalbid dynasty (12240) has a landed Bedouin ruler Al-Hasan with no father in 936 but several Berber members of the same dynasty in his court. One of the Berbers appears to be the historical Al-Hassan (his sons have the right names and he has the right death year), who should probably replace this Bedouin impostor.
Another Berber-Bedouin issue comes up with dynasty number 1062442. This same number is used twice in a row for two unrelated dynasties (one Bedouin, one Berber) in the dynasties.txt file, so one of them needs a new number.
The dynasty number 1062594 is also used twice, once for a Lombard count in 867, and once for a Persian family in 936. Again, one of these needs a new number.
The Bedouin Hizzanid dynasty (1062475) has two members (one deceased) in the dynasty tree in 936 who have no scripted relationship. I think they're intended to be father and son based on the dates.
The Lawik dynasty (1062597) has two living members in 936. One is scripted in the afghan.txt history file as the child of somebody of a different dynasty halfway across the map, one is an unrelated landed adult. I think these are also intended to be father and son.
I'll post in this thread again if I find more. These are all easy fixes to 00_dynasties.txt and some character history files (I've already fixed them all for my own little mod), so hopefully it'll get taken care of in a future patch.
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