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Viceroys never giving away titles
Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE
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Playing as the Roman emperor with Imperial government, I have noticed that a number of my viceroys do not give out any titles that they receive. This does not just include the sub-viceroy titles that go to them but any random holdings they conquer, like tribes and cities. The picture I show displays a mild case of this but I've seen the AI go 20-30 titles above their desmesne limit, most of which have the wrong government penalty. While their vassals do indeed hate them, the real problem is that this kills the number of garrison and levies they have, allowing some of my holdings to be easily occupied. Only after they die their heir will start redistributing these titles properly once I give them a sub-viceroyalty, but it seems to start up again when I give them a viceroyalty.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Have Imperial government
2. Appoint some viceroys.
3. Wait for the viceroys to conquer some land with the wrong holding type
4. Watch them meaningless accumulate useless titles and go above their desmesne limit.
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Viceroys never giving away titles
Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Playing as the Roman emperor with Imperial government, I have noticed that a number of my viceroys do not give out any titles that they receive. This does not just include the sub-viceroy titles that go to them but any random holdings they conquer, like tribes and cities. The picture I show displays a mild case of this but I've seen the AI go 20-30 titles above their desmesne limit, most of which have the wrong government penalty. While their vassals do indeed hate them, the real problem is that this kills the number of garrison and levies they have, allowing some of my holdings to be easily occupied. Only after they die their heir will start redistributing these titles properly once I give them a sub-viceroyalty, but it seems to start up again when I give them a viceroyalty.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Have Imperial government
2. Appoint some viceroys.
3. Wait for the viceroys to conquer some land with the wrong holding type
4. Watch them meaningless accumulate useless titles and go above their desmesne limit.
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