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Wrong French translation
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Jade Dragon
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Hi! I noticed a mistake in a French translation in CK2. During a succession, it was written that the new king was just and that he would make sure that everyone gets their share : "est sa part" but it should be spelled "ait sa part". "est" is from the verb to be, which doesn't make sense, "ait" is the subjunctive form of the verb to have, which is correct. Both are pronounced the same but it still needs to be fixed, please.
PS: I do not own Jade Dragon but I can't submit the form without ticking at least one.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Have a succession occur with your heir having the "Just" trait (or at least I believe so).
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Wrong French translation
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Hi! I noticed a mistake in a French translation in CK2. During a succession, it was written that the new king was just and that he would make sure that everyone gets their share : "est sa part" but it should be spelled "ait sa part". "est" is from the verb to be, which doesn't make sense, "ait" is the subjunctive form of the verb to have, which is correct. Both are pronounced the same but it still needs to be fixed, please.
PS: I do not own Jade Dragon but I can't submit the form without ticking at least one.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Have a succession occur with your heir having the "Just" trait (or at least I believe so).
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