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Keeper of the Converters
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Hi, everyone! The team is back with yet another converter for you to enjoy. If you aren't aware what these do, this tool will allow you to convert a CK2 game into an EU4 mod.

If you'd like to join the team, feel free to hop on over to the development thread.

The converter has detailed documentation available at its wiki page, please read it if you need any explanation on how the conversion works.


If you never used a converter before, READ THIS FAQ. It contains detailed instructions how to use converters. It also helps with many common issues. When in doubt - READ THE FAQ.


1.0 - de Navarra: Latest Stable Release (Download)

Compatible with CK2 [3.3] and EU4 [1.37]

Respectfully, are we done yet? Release​

As you know, CK2ToEU4 is getting long in the tooth, and we're approaching its natural EOL. There's not much to be added to it that we haven't already, and outside expanding support for incoming and outgoing converters, this is as good at it gets. Assuming EU4 ends at 1.37, yes, we're done.

For release notes go here:


Past Releases

Linux Guide



: Is this the official converter?
A: This converter has been done by the same team that specializes in other Paradox converters: Imperator->CK3, Imperator->CK2, CK3->EU4, CK2->EU4, EU4->Vic3, EU4->Vic2, Vic3->HoI4, Vic2->HoI4, and others. It is not official, but it produces as accurate conversion as possible.

This is a standalone effort (and so far, the third ck2->eu4 converter to exist).

Q: What are the main advantages between this and the official converter?
A: Speed, precision and versatility.

This converter does all that official one does, with many additions and corrections:
- Shattering any empire and using it as a base for HRE mechanics
- Shattering empire blobs in general
- Better and more natural dev shaping of provinces
- Support for granulated cultures and religions, so "German" or "Italian" break apart into EU4-subcultures
- True Chinese TAG swapping into ruling dynasty's TAG along with preserving the Celestial Emperor's culture and religion (instead of a simple Ming rename)
- Integration of the Western Protectorate into China's mainland
- Better provincial mappings (entirely redone to map CK 3.3 into EU4 1.29)
- Import of councilmen as advisers
- Special flags for muslim dynasties (kingdoms and empires are named after their dynasties)
- Dual bookmarks (for both conversion date and 1444)
- Full tributary support, both preserving offmap tributaries and importing CK2 ones
- Expanded EU4 religions with CK2 ones, support for these religions in Vic2 and HoI4.
- Clearing of siberian tribe and horde OPMs
- Importing of excommunicated rulers
- Fixed official converter's handling of starting cash and prestige (it could be negative)
- Fixed official converter's bug with wonder replication
- Importing of starting loans
- Guaranteed support for future EU4 releases
- And, as time passes, many more features.

Drawbacks are, and will remain for foreseeable future:
- Not integrated into the game (and will never be)
- No support for Linux or Mac (need help for that)

Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted?
A: Yes.

Q: Shattered world?
A: Not an issue.

Q: Random world?
A: We got your back.

Q: I had Sunset Invasion fire, is this relevant for conversion?
A: You'll find everything is in *perfect* order, according to specifications.

Q: What about mods?
A: Unless they change how cultures, religions or flags work, sure, use mods. Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder.

Q: Can you support Random New World?
A: No. We want the export to be compatible with future conversion to Vic2.

Q: How can I customize my game after converting?
A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the converter subdirectory. Scan through configurables/ folder and look into the myriad of configuration files - a great majority of these files is intended to be modified by users to achieve
specific conversion results.


Quick Troubleshooting

: The generated mod was in a different language than my savegame.
A: At the moment, CK2ToEU4 only guarantees English localisation, but German, French and Spanish are nominally supported.

Q: Some/all country names appear as X25, FRA etc.
A: This is an issue with the localisation. Only English is guaranteed, and you may be running EU4 in some other localization. Also, CK2 often lacks named and adjectives for various titles in non-English languages. We try to use English localisation when this happens.

Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong?
A: Is the mod enabled in the launcher? If so, then EU4 refused to load it due to possible errors. Respond to this thread and upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt so we may debug.

Q: The country crashes upon selecting a country and pressing play (at map selection)
A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to this thread for further study.

Q: The game forbids me to select nations.
A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to this thread for further study.


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0.1 Asturias

Over the course of past few weeks we have created an alternative CK2 to EU4 converter. It's been hugely fun and enjoyable experience, and now we proudly present to you the result.

How conversion works - see the details:
Map conversion
  • We try to alter the map as little as possible against vanilla. If a country's not in scope of CK2, it is untouched. This applies to county histories as well - so this means most countries will not have a history (monarchs, leaders, advisors) identical to EU4 if you convert before 1444.11.11
  • For those countries in scope of CK2, we tread lightly, only updating necessary elements, like which provinces are owned and which not. We try to be very careful there as well, resolving collisions by looking at which ruler developed their land the most, or has maybe built a great wonder there.
  • All of the provinces in CK2 have been painstakingly remapped against 1.29 map, and if we missed a spot please tell us.
Religions and cultures
  • The religions have been expanded, and EU4 conversion will support most of CK2 religions. These religions are also compatible with EU4toVic2 converter.
  • Cultures have been expanded greatly, and we do not import CK2 cultures on 1:1 basis - instead we split them up. Italian can break into Tuscan, Lombardian, Umbrian, Venerian and so on, as we try to emulate EU4 style of cultural groups.
Advisors, Rulers, Queens and Heirs
  • You'll find councilmen you had in CK2 available for hire in EU4.
  • Rulers are converted ad-verbatim. If a ruler is too young to rule, a regency council will be set up for them.
  • Queens (or Prince-consorts) are also imported where possible, to help you stabilize the realm at start.
  • Heirs are imported where possible. Since we do not have access to memory-state of a running CK2 game, we had to make educated guesses for some of the more obscure succession choices, so do not mind a lack of heir that sometimes can happen.
Diplomacy, Vassals and Personal unions
  • For a christian ruler that holds multiple crowns (of same level), he will find his realm split into multiple states, under a personal union lead by him.
  • Non-christian rulers in the same situation will simply absorb the other crowns.
  • Large vassals, holding inappropriate amounts of provinces (compared to the total country size) will be split off into vassals at conversion.
  • Royal marriages are not imported, and neither are alliances. Unlike CK2, in EU4 diplo slots are few and with some of them already taken by vassals and PUs, we did not want to choke the player.
  • Tributaries are also not imported at this stage.
Buildings, Development and Wonders
  • We do not import any buildings. Only building that is supported at game start is the humble Fort.
  • Small countries (but not OPMs or similar) will only receive a capital fort, while larger ones will receive a fort in every state or territory they mostly control.
  • Unlike buildings, development does map directly against CK2 development. the more castles one has in a province, and more buildings inside each, more manpower is received. Similar to cities and production, and finally to temples and tax development.
  • Wonders are imported in the same fashion as the official converter does- as permanent province modifiers granting powerful bonuses.
HRE and Empire Shattering
  • Entirely player's choice, the HRE can be kept as an unified country or shattered in EU4-style microstates. If shattering is enabled (which is recommended), the converter will carefully choose which tags are to be turned into free cities and electors.
  • Which empire is to be the new HRE is also up to the player - you can HRE-ify Byzantium, Rome, or any empire you choose.
  • Empires all over the map can be shattered into smaller independent kingdoms, in case your CK2 game was too blobby.

And that's all for the first release. More to come as we fix more bugs, work on more cultures etc.

The windows_development_build supersedes this release and is built whenever a feature is added, dynamically. You can get it here.
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Very cool! I had always hoped that modders would one day create their own CK2 to EU4 converter. The official one isn’t that great and has so many issues that never were (and probably never will be) fixed.

I’m so excited to see what new features you guys will add as the mod gets updated. And that Imperator to CK3 converter sounds epic!
This looks awesome! One quick question, I noticed you said map overhauls are not supported - is it possible for the end user to change the configuration to work with different maps (on both the ck2 and eu4 end), or does it require source code modification?
This looks awesome! One quick question, I noticed you said map overhauls are not supported - is it possible for the end user to change the configuration to work with different maps (on both the ck2 and eu4 end), or does it require source code modification?
No code modification, but one would have to remap the maps manually. We have a large list of mappings - which CK2 provinces go into which EU4 ones, and if you change the incoming maps (via CK2+, HIP, GoT or similar) all those mappings need to be redone.
For some reason not all provinces in the steppes and Zaporozhye are converted.
If you can grab the IDs of provinces not converted, we could patch those up quickly. To go console, enter debug_mode, and then hover over broken provinces to see their IDs.
If you can grab the IDs of provinces not converted, we could patch those up quickly. To go console, enter debug_mode, and then hover over broken provinces to see their IDs.
It's not permanent, sometimes some will convert sometimes not, e.g. Mazyr sometimes stays in Lithuania like in vanilla and another time not.
It's not permanent, sometimes some will convert sometimes not, e.g. Mazyr sometimes stays in Lithuania like in vanilla and another time not.
Well, we'll refine the province mappings with time. I've also spotted some intermittent spots in the steppes, but these things clean themselves out with time.
I'm consistently crashing when importing ck2 provinces, here are the log and save files.
I can't download that save file, forum seems to have blocked it, probably due to size. Can you please zip it and reupload it?
Here you are
Thanx. There was a glitch where a worthless 0-dev piece of land called Karakorum (mongol capital) was hotly contested between the owner who had a capital in adjacent province and another fellow who owned the great wonder there. This is now fixed, you can grab the latest Barcelona build.
The converter looks exciting and I presume it is intended to become the definitive CK2 -> EU4 experience. Can you tell if, and if so, what you have in mind about features you are going to include after all the work with cultures, religions and bug fixing is done? And on extension, do you plan on adding features some could describe as 'radical' if it comes to converted game experience, such as making distant regions unexplored for other regions unless certain criteria are met (so Europe doesn't see India and China in 1444, for example) or making a bunch of nomad 3 dev provinces in Siberia uncolonized to try to recreate the colonization of that region - basically adding a small amount of flavor to make the converted game as interesting in content as the 1444 EU4 start?

Also, what is your stance on EU4 missions in converted games, or rather - are they going to stay? They have much less sense than EU4 national ideas of countries that were founded in CK2.
The converter looks exciting and I presume it is intended to become the definitive CK2 -> EU4 experience. Can you tell if, and if so, what you have in mind about features you are going to include after all the work with cultures, religions and bug fixing is done? And on extension, do you plan on adding features some could describe as 'radical' if it comes to converted game experience, such as making distant regions unexplored for other regions unless certain criteria are met (so Europe doesn't see India and China in 1444, for example) or making a bunch of nomad 3 dev provinces in Siberia uncolonized to try to recreate the colonization of that region - basically adding a small amount of flavor to make the converted game as interesting in content as the 1444 EU4 start?

Also, what is your stance on EU4 missions in converted games, or rather - are they going to stay? They have much less sense than EU4 national ideas of countries that were founded in CK2.
These are all excellent questions. Our current stance on many aspects of conversion is "If it's not broken, or doesn't actively hurt, don't alter".
Yes, Europe may be a plague-ridden swamp but we'd still like Renaissance to spawn in Italy. Yes, a Hussite Habsburg may be on Celestial throne, but we'd still have them start with standard tributaries and confucian.

1. We already support "radical" setups, the sunset invasion is one such example. For any given set of circumstances we can include specific scenarios for new world and old world alike. Aside for Sunset, we haven't gotten that far yet. I half-jokingly proposed to include actual RNW for sunset, but we still want the game exportable to vic2 so it wasn't a possibility (yet!).
2. discovered_by is a difficult thing to set. It makes sense one can see what they had already seen in CK2. Having a Norse trade republic in Ceylon and suddenly not seeing Europe is not ok. It's difficult to draw the line among various culture groups and regions. If you have a proposal how to do it organically, we're listening.
3. Siberia, more often than not, and especially without player intervention, ends up as a quagmire of tribal and nomad OPMs already. Adding more up there in uncolonized provinces is kinda ok-ish but would hamper a Russia from expanding rapidly eastwards.
4. Missions fall into "don't touch unless it hurts" category. I'd tend towards replacing them with generics but why wouldn't a canonical Portugal or Spain get missions to expand west? As with Vic2 to HoI4 where missions are what drives the game, I fear removing them might hurt more than leaving them in, at least as far the AI agency is concerned.
3. Siberia, more often than not, and especially without player intervention, ends up as a quagmire of tribal and nomad OPMs already. Adding more up there in uncolonized provinces is kinda ok-ish but would hamper a Russia from expanding rapidly eastwards.
it sounds like they were talking about removing nomadic realms that fail to meet a certain threshold imo
I already wrote on the steam workshop but I'm posting the code here as requested.
To recap, I wrote the Twilight of Empires mod and I've been asked if you could turn a specific type of tributary that my mod includes into EU4 vassals (the HRE might need some ad-hoc treatment for this).
Here I'm posting once such tributary relation as written in a ck2 save file.
Let me know if I can be of any further help!
Keep up the great work!