I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
CK3 Single Session Length Causing Save Game Load Time Bloat, Scale of issue is magnified significantly when usingDescription
Since the T&T DLC launched I've been noticing that the longer that CK3 is open in a single session, the longer that it takes to load save games, and by significant amounts. Since the recent update, it has become even more noticeable to me, and after some investigation I've been able to draw a clear connection on my end between the number of mods active in a loadout, and the degree to which save game load time bloats.The following details my personal investigation and my personal findings. I can also produce detailed time-series data and mod loadout information to back these findings up if needed.
I followed the following procedure:
1. Start a brand new game
2. Pick the exact same character each time
3. Tick ~5+ years by of in game time
4. Pause the game, and let CK3 sit still for ~15 minutes
5. Save the game again, then load the save
6. Track how much time goes by
7. Close game and tweak mod list and load order
8. Repeat
Note: No other computer processes were being operated at the same time, so little outside influence on variability in the CPU load.
What I am seeing:
1. In general, when I've been trying to actually play the game with my ideal mod loadout, I've been seeing that the longer CK3 is open, the longer load times become, regardless of doing anything in game or not. After 15 mins or so, if you try to load a save game, it takes 5+ minutes for it to load, if it loads at all.
2. I tried numerous mod combinations, ranging from my ideal mod list, to removing all of the more "extensive" mods one-by-one, to removing all but super-lite mods, to gradually adding mods back on one-by-one, starting with "lite" and simple mods like Dynamic Lifestyle XP Redux. I was still struggling to fix the load time issue.
3. I couldn't track down any "specific" mods as creating the issue, and just found that adding more mods to the load order causes the mid-play load time to increase exponentially/logarithmically with each additional mod.
4. Even with my full "ideal" mod-list running, if I try loading a save game mid-play soon after first loading it, such as like 2 mins after, it takes a "normal-ish" amount of time to load. After 15+ minutes or so of the game being open though, that load time balloons massively to 5+ minutes, if it's even loadable at all.
5. It's specifically the amount of time that CK3 is open that is impacting the load time bloat. The amount of time that ticks by in-game doesn't matter in an abnormal way, or how far along in the game you are. If you attempt to mid-play load the same save game 2 minutes after opening it the first time, it takes significantly less time than if the game is sitting there 15+ minutes, even without in-game time ticking by.
5A. Example: A particular save that I tracked (had 5 lite mods active) takes 0:20 (20 seconds) to load after the save game is opened and let sit (no in game time ticking) for 3 minutes. When proceeding to do the same thing again at the 6 minute mark, loading the exact same save took 0:40. Doing so again at the 9 minute mark resulted in a load time of 0:59. The 15 minute mark had a load time of 3:12.
6. It seems like the ballooning of load time occurs in Vanilla CK3 too, but isn't as noticeable as it is with many mods running.
7. Mods being removed from the mod loadout instead of being in an inactive state doesn't noticeably change this experience.
8. I was able to reproduce results adhering to these findings consistently.
9. I've also found that you dont even need to be loaded into a save game to experience the load time bloat. If you quite simply just launch CK3, and do nothing but sit on the home screen for 15 minutes, you experience the same load time bloat when you go to load your save as you would without any mods loaded.
Steps to reproduce
Detailed in Description section.Can be experienced by simply letting the game run for 15+ minutes and then trying to load a save game.
The issue gets massively worse and more noticeable when running mods, and it doesn't matter what mods you are running. Each additional mod run seems to cause an exponential or logarithmic increase in the load time bloat over time of the game running.
Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Gameplay
- Modding
Save Game
Other Attachments
- 11